Chapter 37: Icon

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Imagine a world where everything you hold dear is suddenly ripped away from you. Your life, as you know it, crumbles before your very eyes. What would you do in the face of such devastation? How would you find the strength to carry on? These are the questions that haunt us when we are confronted with the harsh reality of loss.

But what if, in the midst of this chaos, you also realize that you have no clear direction in life? What if you've spent years prioritizing the happiness of others, neglecting your own desires and dreams? It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's never too late to mend the broken pieces of your existence.

In times like these, we all need an icon, a beacon of hope to guide us through the darkness. We need a vivid image of the pinnacle we strive to reach. It is crucial to know what we truly want in life, to envision success and hold onto it with unwavering focus.

Picture yourself embodying the qualities and significance of those who have left an indelible mark on the world. Whether it be a literal representation or a metaphorical embodiment, this personal icon becomes the driving force behind your every action. It becomes the catalyst for achieving the life you've always imagined.

But it doesn't end there. Merely envisioning your icon is not enough. You must work tirelessly towards its realization, channelling every ounce of energy into its pursuit. Only then can you uncover the true meaning of life, the purpose that lies within your grasp?

So, my friend, in the face of loss and uncertainty, let us embrace the dramatic and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Let us find solace in the power of our personal icons, and let us forge ahead with unwavering determination. The time has come to breathe life into our dreams and seize the meaning that awaits us.


The blaring horn of a bus nearly gave me a heart attack, just as I was engrossed in a post on Diana Sinclair's website. I was at the Southern Integrated Terminal, patiently waiting for Eddie, who was supposed to arrive on a bus at 8 p.m. He had mentioned that he had gone back to his old school to collect some recently issued certificates.

After a few moments, I spotted Eddie waving at me from a distance, as soon as he caught sight of me. It had been quite some time since we last saw each other, and I couldn't help but notice that he looked even more attractive and intriguing.

"Hi Eddie!" I welcomed him joyously. He responded with such a huge smile.

"Hey! Look who's picking me up today! Someone who has just made history in the magazine world!"

"Oh shussssh! Stop embarrassing me!"

"HEY Magazine Hits a Record Breaking Sales of Malaysian Publishing History," Eddie showed me the headline from Yahoo News.

" it feels like to be a part of a history? I bet you must be beyond happy and proud right?"

"Mmm... Do I have a multiple choice answer for that question?"

"Sure! A) Yes, B) Yes, and C)Yes," said Eddie while counting with his fingers.

"What a pointless choice!" I laughed. "So how was it? Are you done with the old school?" I said, to change the topic.

"Done and dusted!" Said Eddie. He continued telling me a few things about it while we were heading out to the exit point.

"You can't go home just yet, Marina. No, no, no! Come on, let's have dinner together," Eddie said, hailing a taxi.

"What? This is not fair! I didn't even say 'yes' yet."

"Oh, come on! Keep me company, please! I've been meaning to treat you to something anyway, ever since the news broke," Eddie said, using his charm. Sometimes, I jokingly called him Eddie Persuady because of this.

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