Chapter 10: Escapism

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"Are you taking me to sports day, Tia?" I exclaimed as Tia's car skidded into the area of Tasek Utara High School. A banner reading 'School Sports Day 2011' hung at the gate of our old study spot.

"Yes, I am! Do you like it?" Tia, who was now a teacher at the school, replied.

"Escapism?" I questioned.

"Yes. You've been busy at home since you returned to JB. That's why I brought you here," Tia explained.

"But I still don't understand why you call this escapism..."

"You'll see, girl."

"Whatever, Teacher Tia... So, have you trained any sports teams this year?"

"Me? Ha! How long have we known each other? I'm only working in the 'Gift and Souvenir Bureau' this time," Tia chuckled.

"I bet you're enjoying it, huh?"

"You know me so well, don't you? The hot sun and rain are never my cup of tea," Tia admitted. It wasn't surprising at all. During our school days, Tia and I never participated in any school events. However, when it came to sports day, you would see our faces everywhere! We were the school's reporters, both members of the editorial board. So, we always got invited to any events or programs held at the school. Every month, we would publish a thirty-page pamphlet about various events, which we sold for RM 1.50 each."

To be honest, I didn't really agree with Tia's suggestion of escapism earlier. I wasn't sure how attending a sporting event could help me forget about all the things that had been haunting me for so long.

However, after being there for over two hours, I started to see Tia's point. It truly was a form of escapism, and I realized that participating in any public event would allow me to escape even further. Besides watching the events unfold, I took the opportunity to have short conversations with the teachers who were still teaching there.

For a moment, I let my soul and mind wander to places that I had previously felt were unnecessary to revisit or remember for a long time.

"I guess this is what Ally meant by stepping into the past," I pondered to myself.

Ally had mentioned that everyone has a past when we were chatting at Dr. Love.

"But for me, Ally, I don't want to live in the past if I can help it," I replied.

"I'm not asking you to live in the past, Marina. I'm just suggesting that you take a glimpse into it," Ally explained.

"It's easier said than done, Ally," I sighed.

"I know. It's definitely a challenging thing to do. And it's not just you; everyone feels the same way, especially when it's something we desperately want to forget. But honestly, Marina, I believe it can be done. We're just afraid to relive the emotions and experiences we once had. However, I think it's about time you faced it, especially during difficult times like these."

I immersed myself in deep thought for a moment. Ally's words resonated with me, as they were undeniably true. I seldom have the desire to reflect on the past, not because I lack time or have an abundance of thoughts to ponder. It's simply a choice I make, a refusal to dwell on what has already transpired.

Scanning the school grounds, I searched for a familiar face. Given the events of a few days ago, I half-expected him to be waiting for me as soon as I stepped foot on campus.

A few days earlier.

"Ouch! That really stings!" I exclaimed, rubbing my left arm. I quickly scanned the area, trying to figure out what had just hit me. A rattan Takraw ball? Seriously, who was playing with it and managed to launch it all the way onto the road? I couldn't help but wonder.

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