Chapter 40: Daniel

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A few days later, I headed to the office like any other day. As I approached my desk, something immediately caught my attention. It was an A4-sized envelope, neatly labelled with my name.

I opened it and read the title of the letter inside it.


"Wow!" I said to myself, needing to take a seat after reading the title. At that moment, my entire life flashed before my eyes, and I took a deep breath as memories flooded back. It felt like just yesterday when I witnessed the epic fight between Zara Murad and Shazlin. And now... I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

As the day at the office unfolded, it was like any other day. I had meetings with Chan, the Urban Fruits team, Daniel, and the rest of the staff. But my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of leaving everything I had built here in Hey for something new and uncertain.

Gina, after I shared the news with her, speculated that Diana must have hired someone to research me. How else could she be so confident in offering me the job? After all, we had only met two or three times, and the majority of our communication was through phone calls.

To be completely honest, I was beyond thrilled when I received the offer from Diana. I was on cloud nine because I never expected such an incredible opportunity to come knocking on my door so quickly.

However, as someone who had never set foot on a completely different continent before, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Starting a new life in a foreign land, meeting new people, adapting to a new environment, weather, and everything else—it was both nerve-wracking and incredibly exciting.

But... what about Eddie and Norman?

"This is a lot to process," I sighed.


I decided to take a quick look into Daniel's office. It appeared that he was engrossed in something, most likely reviewing drafts for the upcoming issue.

"Hey Marina, come on in!" Daniel called out, glancing at me briefly before returning his attention to the drafts.

"Are you looking for me?" I asked as I entered his office.

"Yes, Marina. Come over here for a moment. I have something to show you," Daniel replied. Intrigued, I moved closer to him, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Marina, I've gone through about a third of these drafts and made some notes on them. Can you please give them to Miss B when I'm done and ask her to go through everything again later, alright?" Daniel instructed me after showing me some parts that needed adjustments.

"No problem, I'll let her know," I replied.

"Good. Oh, by the way, Daniel... any news on the new magazine?"

"I haven't received any feedback from them yet."

"I thought they already had the proposal?"

"They've definitely seen it by now. But who knows when they'll make a decision? They have to convince the investors first, and you know how some of them just don't understand this business," Daniel said sarcastically.

"But it's been a while. What's going on up there?" I expressed my concern. Daniel's plan to expand Harry Hans publication by creating a new magazine line was no longer a secret in the company. He always brought it up in every executive meeting.

"What you see in the office isn't the same up there, Marina," Daniel replied briefly, refusing to elaborate further. I took that as a sign to stop asking any more questions.

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