𝒐. 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝

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oh baby !

       "Dr. weissler report to delivery." a voice boomed through the hospital over the intercom. "dr. weissler report to delivery".

"look at that cute baby! that's me, elle evans. and the smelly, less-cute baby next to me? that's my best friend lee." two woman in blue scrubs stood holding the babies wrapped in pink and blue.

elle lay peacefully whilst lee sobbed loudly beside her in his blue blanket. "lee and i were born on the same day, at the same time, here in los angeles, california."

"our moms were bffs before people even used the term "bff", so we were raised like twins and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since." two little kids flashed flashlights on each other as loud giggles emitted from them.

"be together, be together..." the dance dance revolution game's song played as a young lee flynn and elle evans approached it. "i don't remember a lot from before high school, but for as long as i can remember, lee and i have absolutely loved to dance."

the music began to full on play as the two broke out into the choreography they knew like the back of their hand. elle's infamous pigtails swinging around as they added their own moves into it.

"anyway, a lot of stuff has happened between now and then. let me get you up to speed." but before elle could continue, a voice butted in.

"uh-uh, let's rewind this back."

"you see that adorable little girl right there?" a young girl with two brown pigtails stood beside a slightly shorter boy, both matching in yellow as mrs. flynn snapped photos of the two.

"yeah, right there. that's me, marilyn evans. elle's big sister. and right next to me is my best friend, noah flynn. coincidentally lee's older brother." as marilyn continued to talk, the slightly shorter toddler wrapped his arms around the girl as they smiled for the photos.

"noah was born before me, but he was the first one other than my mother to hold me. well, with assistance from his mom." a young boy with short brown hair and chubby arms carefully held the brunette baby as she toothlessly smiled up at him and held his small finger.

"as elle already told you, our moms were best friends long before we came along, we just made their wish of having kids so close come true." two little five year olds made their way to the empty basketball court with their hands intertwined and small basketballs under their free arms.

"we've been inseparable for as long as i can remember." a young noah flynn was asleep on his best friends shoulder and marilyns laid atop his.

"i remember a lot from my childhood, a thing that has stuck with me and flynn since i was little, was that he was the football player and i was his cheerleader."

a young noah ran down the field with the football, loud cheers emitting from everyone watching the little boys playing. but cheering the loudest was marilyn evans on the sidelines with a yellow skort and one of noahs jerseys. she didn't have pom poms, but she jumped and tumbled in celebration every time.

as they got older, marilyn joined the cheer squad and noah got higher up on the football team. marilyn always on the side lines cheering for him all while becoming the star cheerleader of every team she was on. even if they were all very young.

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