𝒙𝒊𝒗. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫

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morning !

As the bright sun rays warmed marilyn's skin, her eyes slowly opened. she smiled at the sound of birds, the feeling of arms wrapped her around as she looked at the chest her hands were pressed up against.

as the golden rays lit up noah's face, marilyn couldn't help the smile that took over her face. her hair was a tangled mess and all of her makeup was definitely gone.

the night before had been pure bliss—it was something she had wanted for so long without knowing. she looked at his peaceful appearance, placing a hand on his face as he pulled her closer. the warmth bringing both comfort.

marilyn cuddled her head back into his chest as the sun continued to rise. she fell back asleep for another hour or two with a content smile before waking up to a moving noah.

she watched as he sat up from their laying position, not yet noticing marilyn's dazed look on him. marilyn's eyes trailed down his toned torso before raking back up to his face.

the boy had faint lipstick marks on his neck up and pink/red marks that were beginning to bruise on the lower region of his collarbone. marilyn smiled proudly at her work.

she ran hands down her face before sitting up, holding the blanket over her as noah looked back at her. he smirked before leaning over, kissing the tired looking girl all over her face.

"goodmorning" his voice was raspy as he pulled on his shorts, throwing this button up over his shoulder. marilyn grinned at him, stretching one arm in the air as the other supported the blanket.

she quickly looked around before finding her bikini top, quickly tying it back on before she began looking for her bottoms and shorts, the blanket wrapped around her waist.

suddenly noah laughed, throwing the shorts and bathing suit bottoms at her.

"thank you" she grinned at him, quickly sliding the two on before sliding behind him. noah was sat on his knees, looking at his phone.

she went behind him, snaking her arms underneath his arms and around his bare torso. a dopey smile adorned her face as his body heat radiated onto her.

"you were right..." she placed a kissing on the boys shoulder blade before laying her head on the center of his back. "this does feel right" noah smiled, one of his hands grabbing ahold of hers and raising it to his lips.

the two stayed like that for a minute; just enjoying each other's presence and the peace the area brought. but it had to come to an end. noah reluctantly dropped the girl off at her house that saturday afternoon. the two having shared many kisses before they got to her house.

as she reached for the door handle, noah placed a hand on her thigh making the blonde turn to face him. she smirked at him, leaning over and kissing him slowly.

she trailed down from his mouth to his neck making him quietly groan before pulling away and exiting the car. she had found the jacket she went to the beach in placed on the backseat of noah's car, only putting it on once they neared the evans house.

marilyn thanked the gods above that the car was heavily tinted as she held onto noah's hand, the jock placing a kiss to it before she slowly exited heading towards her house.

as she walked in, she was met with elle, her dad, and brad all sat at the table. instinctively, she moved her hair to cover her neck and she pulled the jacket tighter.

as they all turned their heads to her she feigned a tired look, yawning and scratching at her tangled hair.

"hello family" she smiled, her eyes squinted as she leaned on the fridge casually.

"hey, marilyn" they all said, turning back around as the girl made a beeline to her room. beaming at the fact she wasn't interrogated on her overall disheveled appearance.

as she went in her room, she shut the door. she made sure to lock it before she threw the jacket off and plopped into her chair.

she leaned forward as she placed her hands on her purple marked chest and red marked stomach. she groaned at the amount, already knowing concealer was about to become her bestfriend.

she got back up, slowly taking off all of her sand filled clothing and heading towards her closet. there she pulled out noah's jersey, some gray leggings, and some white fuzzy socks.

she threw all the items on before heading back to her mirror where she properly cleaned off any leftover makeup. she then brushed out her hair before throwing it in a claw clip.

she smiled at herself before picking up her phone and jumping onto her bed. she landed with an 'oomph' before turning around and opening her phone, her body sinking into the soft bed.

she smiled at the appearance of a text from noah on her wallpaper.

"ft?" the text read. she quickly sent a yes before rolling onto her side and holding the phone in front of her face.

a smile permanently etched on her face as noah's call popped up.



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this is a filler 😐👍

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