𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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birthday plans !

IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE DAYS couple days since elle caught noah and marilyn, and the two had began to try and be more careful with there relationship.

a.k.a avoiding the evans home since no one ever knocked.

hence why the couple found themselves cuddled up in noah's bed in serene silence. it was a grey color outside and no one else was home, leaving the two to enjoy one another's presence.

marilyn had her leg thrown over noah and her head on his chest. noah had one hand on her thigh, tracing patterns, while the other was on the curve of her back.

noah stared down at her face with a dopey smile that showed just what a lovesick fool he was.

"what are you thinking about?" his voice was rasped as he shifted his eyes to her thigh, absentmindedly drawing hearts.

marilyn lifted her head slightly, placing her palms on his chest, before resting her chin down again. her eyes focused as she scanned noah's features.

"i like you, flynn" his eyes focused in on hers, his eyebrows furrowed as she just smiled.

"a lot" noah lightly laughed as her smile grew before noah wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist. he quickly pulled her on top of him before rolling them over so he was above her.

the girl squealed before letting out a squeak of discomfort as noah plopped down on top of her, his arms staying around her as he dropped his head in her neck.

"you're like a big baby" she mumbled, tangling her fingers in his hair and placing the other on his back, running her finger up and down his spine.

noah let out ineligible words as he tightened his grip on her, placing a kiss on her shoulder as she laid like a starfish under him.

"hey, lena?" the bare faced girl hummed as she looked down at him, the large boy turning his head out from her shoulder lightly.

"what do you want for your birthday?" noah tried to make it seem like he had just remembered her birthday was in a week.

but marilyn could see the thick red circle placed on the second of june.

"you don't have to get me anything, noah" she laughed, resting her head back on the pillow as she moved her arms to wrap around noah's shoulders.

"that's not what i asked"

"having you," she turned her head down, placing his chin in between her thumb and index finger and facing his head up. "is all i need."

she smiled before leaning down and bringing him into a deep kiss. her hand moved to cup the entire side of his face as she pulled him closer, noah rising to his knees and beginning to pick the girl up, his arms in the arch of her back.

her free hand had taken ahold of his shoulder and began to snake to the nape of his neck. noah attempted to add tongue, the girl allowing him access.

as the kiss began to grow heavier, the evans girl dragged her hands to noahs chest before pushing him off softly. he looked at her confused as she quickly climbed off of the bed.

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