𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧

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please don't tell !

       "Mar!" elle shouted as she knocked on her sister's locked door, music blasting from behind. tuppen stood beside her with his head hung in shame, the two coming to apologize.

on the inside of the room, marilyn was on top of noah damn near naked with him the same. his hands on her thighs as her hands cupped his face, the two kissing.

"marilyn!" elle shouted even louder causing the two to freeze. marilyn in a panicked manner stared down at noah, her lips swollen as she stared down at his wide eyes.

quickly, she hopped off the tall boy and jumped to grab her nightgown that she had shedded not to long ago. she threw the short dress on before running to her mirror.

"one sec!" her voice cracked as she ripped her brush through her hair, trying to tame it now that noah's hands had been in it. behind her, noah was throwing his jeans on and trying to find a way to fit under her bed, his shirt being under it.

she cursed at her lips before stumbling across the room and over to the window, where she threw the curtains open. noah halfway under her, thankfully, high bed.

the girl threw on her pair of shorts under the nightgown before running to the door. she stopped abruptly, calming her breathing and smoothing down her hair. she took a deep breath, looking around her room for any sight of noah before unlocking the door and opening it.

she awkwardly leaned on it, a hand on her hip and one on the upper half of the door.

"yes?" she spoke calmly. elle looked at her with guilty eyes, completely oblivious to what was going on in the room, but tuppen gave her a suspicious look.

she avoided his gaze, sucking her lips in as she looked at elle expectedly. the girl's face was red and her lips looked chewed as she looked at her sister.

"we're sorry" tuppen nodded in agreement as marilyn's face scrunched up and she shifted her weight.

"...what for?" a small smile was on her face as she looked at the two.

"disturbing your peace? i don't really know what exactly we're just..." elle could've sworn she just saw a foot peak out from the end of marilyn's bed, "sorry?" her attention was now diverted.

marilyn quickly caught on before moving to stand in front of where elle was looking. she remained calm, messing with her hair.

"don't even mention it, i don't really care..." she looked around the hall with a grin before looking back at them. "was that it?"

the two nodded, muttering "pretty much" and "yup" which caused marilyn to give a tight lipped smile. the whole situation was just very, very awkward.

"well.. ok then..." she said before slowly stepping back and closing her door. the second it was closed, noah stuck his head out from under the bed ready to speak but marilyn immediately shushed him as she put her head on the door to listen to the two.

elle was on the other side doing the exact same thing.

she sat there for a second before hesitantly moving away and helping noah up from under her bed. almost immediately, the two fell back onto her bed, bursting into a hushed fit of giggles.

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