𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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city lights !

The car was filled with silence and tension as noah drove, his eyes constantly flickering back over to the girl who's eyes were glued to the window.

"look, i'm sorry, okay?" he said, his eyes glancing over at her as she continued to stare at the night sky.

"what- what do you think? you think i meant to fall for my best friend?" marilyn shifted her eyes to his face as he sighed. her eyes slowly going back to the night sky.

"this isn't the way to my house, noah" she spoke tiredly, her head finally turning to look at him. he glanced over at her with a very small smile.

"i want to show you something" she let her eyes linger on him for a moment before slowly turning her head and staring at the stars again. sending a quick text to her dad that she would be staying at the flynn's.

before she knew it, noah parked in a nature filled area before stopping his car. marilyn looked confused as he hopped out of the car, going to her side and opening the door.

she looked at him and his offered hand, seeming to be in thought. ultimately, she sighed before placing her hand in his and stepping out of the car. her hand staying in his as he retrieved blankets from the back seat. her hand still locked with his as he lead her to their destination.

suddenly, big white letters came into marilyn's view. she looked up at them as noah continued to pull her along before they approached the center of the hollywood sign.

he slowly let go of her hand, unfolding one of the blankets before laying it on the dirt ground. he flattened it out before sitting down, placing the other blanket at the edge before looking up at the blonde. he patted the area beside him several times before she sat down.

the two remained silent as they looked at the illuminated city, the buildings shining bright as they listened. the faint noise of traffic and chirping crickets like white noise.

"how many girls have you hooked up with here?" marilyn smirked, looking up at noah. he kept his eyes on the lively city, lightly shaking his head.

"i only come here alone" he looked over, his eyes meeting marilyn's shining ones. "until now" marilyn looked at him blankly before she began to chuckle.

"oh, my god, you're good! sounds so amazing when you say it, king flynn" she looked at him, amused as he rolled his eyes. "but you already know that, don't you?"

"you haven't changed" she turned her head back to the city as her smile faltered. "i mean, what's the difference between what just happened and-" the girl was quickly cut off by noah's raspy voice.

"the difference is you, marilyn" she shook her head.

"your insane" she scoffed as he cockily smirked.

"i'm insane about you, lena" she bit her lip, before throwing her head back slightly with a smile. noah looked at her with a growing smirk that made her sigh.

"okay" she closed her eyes, pursing her lips before turning to noah. she pushed herself closer to him, her hand attatching to the bottom of his shirt as she began talking.

"here's how this is gonna go" her eyes moved from the piece of fabric in-between her thumb in index finger to noah's soft eyes.

stars ───  noah flynn ¹.Where stories live. Discover now