𝒙𝒊𝒙. 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬

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love !

APRIL SECOND HAD BEEN anticipated by the flynn and evans family for the past few weeks—it was marilyn's eighteenth birthday. they had been planning a large party to occur a week before lee and elle's conjoined party and everything was finally ready.

april second, was today.

the flynn house had been chaotic since the clock struck nine that morning. noah had been out with marilyn all day, making her feel like the princess she was for her special day. he had taken her to get her nails done, a picnic by the hollywood sign with her favorite foods, and the calmest part of the beach.

they walked around talking and holding hands for who knows how long, their thoughts only containing each other as the ocean sprayed on their legs and the salty air pushed through their hair.

noah was looking down at the blonde by his side in awe as her eyes focused on the beautiful, pink skyline. their hands were locked together as they walked on the meeting point of sand and water, both carrying their shoes in their free hands.

"the ocean is so... beautiful" an enchanted smile danced on the girls face as her steps came to a stop, turning to face the water. noah stopped, their hands still intertwined as he looked in the direction she was.

"i wanna be as beautiful as the ocean" her eyes lit up as she watched the waves crash over one another, seagulls flying past as noah walked closer to her.

"what do you mean?" his eyes remained on her as her smile grew at his interest.

"the ocean carries so much beauty. it contains life and wonder and it's almost endless. limitless. the ocean has no bounds..." her eyes met noah's for a second as she shrugged.

"i don't know how to explain it" she laughed, taking a long glance at the shimmering body of water before beginning to walk again, pulling noah with her.

"i get it" he smiled, looking down at the sand before looking ahead.

"lena?" noah said, his eyes still trained forward as marilyn's landed on him.


"i love you" he spoke bluntly as he looked down at marilyn. she smiled, her eyebrows lightly scrunching.

"i love you too" she said but noah shook his head and stopped walking, pulling her to a stop and facing him.

"no, i mean i love you. this is it for me, mar. you're it. i choose you, you're who i want to spend my life with. and i need you to know that." her smile had fallen and her eyebrows we scrunched ever so slightly as she stared at him.

"i, noah flynn, love you, marilyn evans. i am yours" he laughed lightly before looking down at their hands. he dropped the shoes in his hands and took the shoes from hers before wrapping their fingers together.

marilyn looked down at their hands and followed them as noah brought them to his face, kissing them while wind blew through their hair. "forever and always"

tears prickled marilyn's eyes as she stared at their conjoined hands, his words making her birthday a million times then she could have ever imagined.

if you had told her last year that she would be completely and utterly in love with her best friend and in a happy relationship with him she would've laughed in her face.

but here she was.

she let go of his hands quickly before grabbing his face and pulling him into a slow, passionate, and loving kiss. she put everything she felt for him into the kiss as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, standing on her tippy toes as he pulled her in by the waist.

the kiss went on for a few more moments before they pulled away, eyes still closed as they shared several more pecks. they rested their foreheads together with heavy breaths.

marilyn's arms remained around his shoulders as she let her feet fully hit the ground again, noah's hands staying on her waist as both their eyes fluttered open.

a large smile showed up on marilyn's face while noah smirked. one of her hands moved to cup his cheek as she lightly laughed.

"my heart is yours, noah. forever and always" she spoke before they both grinned at each other. noah quickly wrapped his arms fully around her before pulling her into a hug. her arms went back around his neck as they swayed before noah lifted her in the air.

her legs wrapped around his torso while his arms stayed secure around her torso. the couple stayed their together for a minute, it was just them in that moment. together and in love. forever and always.



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i lied this is the last filler 😛😛

i was listening to "can't help falling in love" the whole time i wrote this

also i didn't edit this. at all.

like i js wrote this.



5-28-24 update: i screwed up timelines, pretend her birthday was always april first ..

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