𝒊𝒊. 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐮𝐩𝐬

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what are you wearing !

       Today was the first day of marilyn and noah's senior year. and she was panicking in her mirror. she stood in front, checking over her outfit. a long-sleeved yellow button up with a blue tie—that she just left untied and hanging around her neck—and a pair of pants.

today she was praying these pants worked, as every pair of her other pants were at the cleaners. they had been held up so her only options were pants from ninth grade and spandex.

the thing was, tight pants from ninth grade are bound to have a fault on a twelfth grade body. the ends of the pants were to high up and showed her whole ankle, causing her to cringe.

she tried to not focus on it and went to walk away from the mirror. sadly, luck was not on her side that day as she felt a rip that made a loud noise strain throughout the room. her eyes closed as she let out a quiet string of curses.

as she turned around was met with rips down the sides of her legs and her butt—showcasing her red underwear to anyone that looked at her pants.

she looked to her closet and sighed as she was met with the pair of spandex shorts she usually wore to practice. the one day all her pants were gone she thought. without thinking about it, she quickly grabbed the shorts and threw them on without a second thought.

she untucked her shirt, letting the ends fall over the top of the shorts. she quickly put on white socks and converse. she lathered her legs in lotion before grabbing a jar of vaseline, placing some on her warm spots before spraying her vanilla perfume on the spots.

she looked at the time and cursed before quickly sitting at her desk and plugging in her flat iron. taking her hair out of its ponytail so she could curl it to make it wavy.

after finishing the curls she heard her sister curse the way she had minutes ago, she shook her head before placing on all her jewelry.

she put it in chunky gold hoops and placed rings on her fingers. she checked her makeup in the mirror before grabbing a pair of sunglasses and placing them on the top of her head. she quickly grabbed her bag and ran downstairs. grinning at the fact she still had time before noah arrived.

walking into the kitchen she grabbed an apple and then proceeded to the table her dad and brother sat at.

"good morning, family" she grinned but it faltered when her dad gave her a face. "i can explain—"

"where are your pants?" she rolled her eyes "you're getting on noah's bike in those?"

"well you decided to take all my clothes to the cleaners yesterday" she muttered under her breath, resulting in her dad raising an eyebrow at her. before he could scold her, as per usual, the favorite child ran out of the house, trying to hold down her small skirt. lee honked his car loudly.

"good morning!" she spoke as the family looked up at her. "morning" they all said in unison, marilyn's eyes trained on her apple as she awaited noah's signal.

her dad's eyes scanned her outfit. "elle, you too..." he said making her look up as she stood next to marilyn. "dad, my pants ripped. this is literally all i had"

he made a face as she kept defending herself. "i swear. i promise" he glanced at marilyn who was shifting her weight with a bored face.

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