𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬

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dreaded returns !

EVER SINCE the morning after marilyn's birthday party and lee and elle's fallout, things had been... weird.

it had been almost a week since everything went down. marilyn and noah were good, mr. evans taking it much better than the blonde could have ever anticipated—the girl having no information of the one-on-one noah had initiated and held with her father about the situation.

she just assumed her dad was to preoccupied helping elle deal with her fight she had had with lee and arguing with tuppen.

that's right, lee and elle still weren't talking. the brunette was going through hell without her best friend.

and to top it off, after their argument, her and tuppen hadn't been talking either. elle taking her anger out on the curlyheaded boy had in turn lost her both boys she cared for.

but, despite all this and mrs. flynn repeatedly telling the evans' girls everything will work out and be alright, marilyn couldn't help the feeling bubbling deep within her of something about to occur.

something that could be very bad or very good.

something that was slapping her in the face right now as her eyes landed on noah and nora belling talking and walking with one another in the courtyard.

nora belling, marilyn's ex-rival and former best friend. noah's ex girlfriend.

the one girl he had ever taken serious, besides marilyn.

the dark brown haired girl was standing close to noah with a soft smile on her pink lips. her blue eyes staring into noah's as he looked right back with a kind grin.

marilyn's hand tightened on the strap of her bag, breath hitching as she watched the girl place her hand on noah's shoulder, getting closer to the tall boy as a laugh left her lips.

nora was the one girl marilyn had ever been in "competition" with her whole life. until the girl moved to massachusetts during their summer after sophomore year of high school.

no contact for a year, and now she was back.

the two had once been best friends but when they went against each other for captain of the dance team in eighth grade and nora started dating noah freshman year... well they definitely weren't on the best of terms.

nora was the only girl who could compete with marilyn and not back down. the only girl who noah had been in a committed relationship with besides her.

for two years, to be exact. freshman and sophomore year. off and on, but always expected to get back together.

marilyn shook her head of the thoughts as she watched the girl go to give noah a hug, the boy swiftly dodging it though as he caught marilyn's eye and catching the brunettes upper arms. he gave them a squeeze said a few more words before they bid each other goodbye.

the brunette swiftly walking away down another corridor, her sandals clacking as she did, whilst noah turned and began to walk towards marilyn.

a smile formed on his face as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her to her chest and placing a kiss to her forehead.

"hey, mar" he said, looking down before sweeping her lips into a kiss. some people still staring in shock at the two actually being in the relationship they all had speculated over the years.

marilyn kissed back for a moment, her arms wrapped around him as she forgot what she had just seen before her eyes fluttered open.

"i didn't know belling was back?" she licked her lips, her eyes lingering on his lip before they raised to meet his. her inner consciousness blocking out any urge to let the jealousy win and cause an "unnecessary" argument with him.

marilyn evans was new to communicating, if you couldn't tell.

"she's back for the end of her senior year, then back off to boston.. she's planning on going to harvard" marilyn perked at the news, noah and nora would be going to college together..?

"anyways," he peeled himself from her and opted to grab ahold of her hands "i was thinking, frozen yogurt for lunch? you said you wanted it the other day..." marilyn brushed off how he changed the topic and decided not to think into it to much.

she trusted noah.

"that sounds amazing" a wide smile spread across her features before interlocking their fingers as he lightly dragged her over to his motorcycle.

from afar, nora saw the couple hopping onto noah's bike and her eyebrows scrunched before the o.m.g girls stole her attention.

"omg! nora, you're brack from chicago!" a puzzled smile fell over nora's face as she looked at gwyneth in confusion.

"massachusetts, you mean?"

"it must be, like, so crazy to be back with everything that's changed and all" olivia butted in, playing with her blonde hair as she looked at nora, who's smile faded, with wide eyes.

"why exactly is that crazy? i was only gone for a year, not that much has changed..?" she glanced at the girls who's eyes widened in realization.

"honey, did nobody tell you?" gwyneth spoke slowly.

"you didn't know?" olivia's jaw was slack as she looked at the girl.

"know what, exactly?" nora looked to mia, the ringleader who had a small smirk.

"flynn and evans are dating" mia spoke in a hushed tone.

"lee and elle? why would that matter, i mean i thought they were more like siblings but.." the girl trailed off, confused as to why it mattered because no way was she talking about noah flynn and marilyn evans. the noah who had became the schools biggest man hoe and the marilyn so obsessed with dance she didn't even look at boys.

the three girls looked at one another laughing, hands covering their mouths before mia dropped a hand on nora's shoulder and turned her to face the parking lot.

marilyn sat on the back of noah's bike the tall boy placing a helment on her head, sneaking a kiss that left the girl grinning largely. the grin slightly faltered though as her eyes locked with the shocked slim girl standing a far distance away with three snickering girls.

they held each others gaze for a minute before marilyn turned back, securing the helmet before wrapping her arms around noah as the duo sped out of the parking lot.

"noah and marilyn, you mean?" mia mocked from behind nora with a smirk as nora's face turned hot.

"i guess a lot can change in a year, huh?"



i literally had to change this whole story because i forgot where i was going with it. but we have a new one!! and i like it. soooo updates should be better now.

updates have only been taking so long because i haven't written in so long and i'm trying to keep it as good as i wasss

this is also lowkey unedited.. so... sorry

thank you for all the love and support on this story, i'm so forever grateful <33

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