𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤

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tastes like green !

       Marilyn could currently be found in the bathroom that belonged to noah flynn as she perfected herself for the party that would be beginning in about an hour.

she and noah had spent around an hour setting the place up before he let her leave to get ready and did the rest by himself.

she looked at herself in the mirror. she had worn a tight, backless red dress. it ended at the middle of her thigh with long sleeves that flared at the ends.

on her feet, she had on diamond heels that sparkled in the light, which always made her smile. her hair was completely flat ironed, falling just past her chest.

her makeup was simple, it looked pretty natural. everything just made her features pop. she smiled at herself in the mirror before noah knocked on the door, startling her.

"lena, can i come in?" her hand was on her heart before she quickly shouted out a yes. she smiled at him as he walked him.

thanks to the heels he wasn't absolutely towering over her. but she still had to slightly crane her neck up to look at the 6'5 boy.

he smiled at the girl as he walked in, his eyes raking over her. making her head tilt.

"you look stunning, lena" he smirked at her, the action and his words made a dopey smile appear on her face as she turned back to the sink, picking her items up.

he walked over behind her and looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair while marilyn's eyes kept glancing over at him.

catching her off guard, noah placed a hand on her bare lower back, making her suck in a sharp breath and look up at him. he smirked at her as he turned her around, the doorbell ringing throughout the house.

"our guests are here" he said with a grin before grabbing her hand and making their way towards the front door, where they then greeted majority of the football team and the cheerleaders.

those two groups were always first to show up to noah's parties. music played loudly throughout the house as marilyn greeted her fellow cheerleaders. but most of their eyes were trained on noah.

as much as she adored them, their infatuation with noah was starting to tick her off. that and the jealousy that bubbled within her when they interacted (though she would never admit it in a million years...).

like at this very moment.

she scowled and pushed the feeling of jealousy in her stomach off as noah greeted the girls with smiles and hugs. this was going to be a long night.


The party had grown immensely within the last hour and marilyn was having the time of her life. she had lost noah long ago, but she wasn't to focused on it.

she walked around the crowded house, greeting everyone as she passed. many girls complimented her outfit and guys wolf whistled as she passed, to which she simply flipped them off with a smile.

she held a red cup in her hand as she strutted through the house, a smile on her face as she searched for her sister.

she spotted lee and scurried over to him, grabbing his arm to not get lost as they looked for elle. they stopped in one area and looked up to see elle standing there.

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