𝒗𝒊. 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬

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convince them !

       Family tradition. something the flynn's and evans weren't new to. seeing as, they had many together. today, you're about to witness a flynn and evans sunday lunch.

marilyn sat beside elle, her golden hair was curled perfectly and matched her white crewneck perfectly. she pulled at her biker shorts as one of her legs curled beneath the other, messing with the laces of her white converse with her other hand.

she had on gold bracelets that jangeled as she texted noah with her free hand, the boy letting her know the flynn's had arrived. beside her sat the rest of her family.

elle sat beside her in a blue flannel with her hair up. brad and her dad sat next to elle, they all waited quietly for the rest of the family to show up.

"hey, guys" mrs. flynn's voice sounded as the flynn family rounded the corner. "hey!" marilyn bounced up and flew to hug her second mom.

mrs. flynn hugged her just as tightly before marilyn moved for elle to hug her. she side hugged mr. flynn, high fived lee, and then smiled when her eyes landed on noah.

despite their argument the other day, nothing had changed. the girl ran over to him and dragged him to sit beside her as usual.

lee and marilyn switched places so lee could be beside elle, who pushed lee's head as she walked back to the table.

marilyn couldn't help but notice elle's glare on noah as he messed with her bracelets under the table, flicking his toothpick in his mouth.

"and how's my favorite little man?" mrs. flynn asked brad "i'm okay" they all lightly laughed at his response before mr. evans set his attention on noah.

"hey, noah! i haven't seen you since you got back from football camp" noah lifted his hands away from marilyn's as they distanced themselves.

their parent's always had something to say about them; hinting at the two hiding a romantic relationship.

"they got you starting again?" before noah could answer, mr. flynn spoke.

"well... he'll be lucky if he makes it through the season" noah looked at marilyn briefly. "he goes and gets into a fight on the first day of school"

"right, marilyn too. could you two tell us what happened?" mr. evans asked as everyone looked at the two.

"tell him" mr. flynn said, more directed towards noah than marilyn. the two smiled before looking at elle.

"it was an argument over something that happened at football camp" noah spoke up, marilyn prepared her lie.

"they thought i was someone else, just got the wrong person" she wiped her nose and looked down. noah looked at her briefly before looking back at their dads.

"uh, excuse me" he said before him and marilyn got up and walked away, muttering the same words, leaving a confused elle and a suspicious father.


It was now a school week once more and lee and elle found themselves in a discussion about the fall fundraiser. they discussed their booth as they did their work.

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