𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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last night !

       It was quiet when marilyn woke up. she sighed and rolled around before rubbing her hands over her face. a huge headache rested at the center of her forehead as she sat herself up lazily with one arm.

as her eyes adjusted to the light she slowly looked around the room. its definitely wasn't her room.

her eyes looked to the left: a football helmet. to the front: football pads. to the right: a motorcycle picture. and then down: noah fucking flynn's xl jock cup.

the girl quickly sat up. as much as she slept in noah's room, all she remembered was being out of it last night. and as she looked down, her dress was no longer on her.

she gripped the shirt on her with wide eyes. it was noah's jersey. she then realized that all she felt on her legs was the blanket. she silently gasped before quickly ripping the blanket off of her legs.

she sighed in relief when she saw her highly uncomfortable thong on. she sighed out of stress as she dropped her head in her hands, dragging it through her slightly matted hair.

suddenly she heard a noise and looked up to see noah walking in a towel. god damn, she thought as she scanned the boy.

suddenly he turned around and their eyes met. noah lightly smiled at marilyn as he stayed by his dresser.

"sorry" marilyn stretched her arms out with a strained noise before sighing.

"what for?" she smiled at him, the simple action making his heart do flips.

"i didn't mean to wake you. i just needed to grab some clothes" she nodded before staring at the blankets and tying her long hair up in a ponytail.

"so, how bad was i?" noah turned to face her with an amused smirk as she leaned back on her arms.

"you were about to strip on the pool table in front of a bunch of guys" marilyn's smirk fell "and then go skinny dipping" her jaw fell but noah quickly reassured her.

"i carried you out before to much came off" she pursed her lips and nodded, taking the information in. "oh, and i couldn't find your dress. i think some girl... took it" she grinned lightly before turning to face him fully.

"i am so sorry, noah" she smiled weakly at him as he walked over towards her, his hand holding onto the top of his bed frame.

"it's okay, lena" she rolled her eyes at his cocky smirk.

"this is very embarrassing" she laughed. "did you sleep in here or the guest room?" she looked up at him.

"i, uh... i slept in the guest room" he smiled at her, looking over his shoulder for a quick second.

"good, then i don't have to apologize for any snoring or kicking" she smiled as she quickly got out from under the covers and stood up. noah moving with her to the end of his bed.

his eyes subtly scanning her legs as she focused on his shirt.

"i am assuming this shirt means you saw me in a thong?" she asked with a disturbed face.

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