𝒙𝒗. 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞

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get down !

       Marilyn sat in her last class of the day, algebra. her head was down, her phone in her lap as she watched a movie. successfully blocking out the teacher, ms. carter.

there were only a few more minutes left of the class but she was assigning homework as per usual.

as the woman went over the papers marilyn received a text from noah, telling her to come home with him.

she grinned at the message, bringing her other arm down to respond to him.

"hmm, why should i?" she sent, gnawing on her lip as she watched his text bubble pop up.

"i'll just give your present to lee then" he sent back with a shrugging emoji, the girl rolled her eyes as she responded. the two texting through their classes.

"miss. evans!" marilyn's head popped up. "is my teaching interrupting ur nap?" marilyn looked at the stubby woman blankly before yawning.

"yes" she grabbed her bag as the bell rang in that moment, the short haired woman left red in the face as she watched after the blonde.

walking through the halls, marilyn dodged many people. duo's, trio's, couples, and more. she made her way out of the thin hall and to noah's bike, where he sat. her helmet in hand as he looked on his phone.

smiling, the girl quickly ran up to him. she held herself back from kissing him and instead punched him on the arm.

"what the hell, lena?" his attention quickly averted to the girl who caught him off guard and wrapped her arms around his neck. he stood confused, hugging the girl back before handing her her helmet.

"hey, what about my present?" she asked as she secured the helmet on her head. he smirked at her, looking down as she looked up.

"it's getting to be around me..." his left hand reached out to play with her fingers, their hands hidden from the public eye. their eyes locked on one another's.

biting her lip, she turned. she hopped on the bike before repeatedly drumming her hands on his seat. he grinned at her before getting on.

as they drove past the people they knew and considered friends, she held onto him as a friend normally would.

but the second they were away from the school, marilyn tightened her grip, laying her head on his shoulder and scooting as close as she could. placing a chaste kiss to his shoulder.


Noah and marilyn now found themselves on noah's bed doing nothing like what they had originally planned.

marilyn straddled noah. her hands were dug in his hair as his hands held her bare waist close while they slowly kissed. marilyn slightly grinded on him, her school button up was completely unbuttoned and her straight hair was messily put behind her ears.

suddenly, she cut the kiss short, placing a few more on his swollen lips—his expression of need getting to to her—before she rolled off of him.

her lips were swollen and red as she plopped down crisscross beside the confused boy.

"nope" was all she said as noah put his weight on his arm to face her.

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