𝒙𝒊. 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧

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third times a charm !

The carnival had ended and marilyn found herself closing up the booth, elle had gotten a text from their dad and marilyn offered to finish for her.

as she turned the lights out she couldn't help but think of the kiss her and noah shared. the feeling still lingered as she grabbed her phone.

she quickly stretched her legs out to prepare herself to jog home when suddenly a voice caught her attention. she lightly turned her head to see noah talking to a girl.

with the sudden kiss and realization/acceptance of her feelings, marilyn couldn't help the way her mood dropped when she saw them. her heart felt like it was in her stomach as she watched him laugh with her.

did their kiss mean nothing?

she cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders before she began to jog home, not taking a second glance at noah. who had finally realized she had been there the whole time as he watched her jog away.

as she ran, her mind was swirling around the stupid boy she had always cared for. her face was emotionless as she ran to her house, the discomfort of her jeans completely disregarded.

as she ran she slowed down due to a sudden bright flash of lightning above her head. as she looked up at the sky she heard a vehicle get closer to her.

as she quickly turned around, her eyes widened at the sight of noah. he looked at her, holding out her helmet towards her.

"how about a ride?" she looked at him blankly, only seeing him with the girl after their kiss in her mind.

"i'm good" she wrapped her arms around herself as she began to turn away. noah's arm reached out and softly grasped her wrist.

"come on, lena. you know i can't leave you out here." he grinned at her, the girl turned to face him as a small smile finally cracked through her emotionless façade.

she softly took the helmet, placing it on her head before sitting behind him on the motorcycle. she hesitantly wrapped her arms around noah before slowly letting her head rest on his back.

for a moment she forgot about the girl and sudden confrontation of her own feelings, she was just happy to be with her best friend again.

as they drove down the dark streets, the rain grew heavier. marilyn's grip on the tall boy grew tighter as noah's bike began to skid due to the harsh weather conditions.

suddenly the bike skidded harshly, causing marilyn to squeeze the hell out of the larger boy.

"it's getting too dangerous, i'm pulling over!" he informed her. she nodded, knowing he felt it as he began to near the sidewalk before stopping completely.

as they hopped off the bike, noah quickly wrapped his jacket around the blonde as she took off her helmet. he wrapped an arm around her, moving her to the front of him as they jogged towards the glass gazebo in the middle of the area.

noah quickly opened the door, letting marilyn walk in first before he followed. marilyn went off to the side as she watched noah look outside.

as she looked at him, her heart began to race. that kiss confirmed many things for her, but she didn't know if it was the same for noah, and that thought terrified her.

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