𝒙𝒙𝒊. 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞

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conversations and confrontations  !

  MARILYN AND elle sat in the backseat of their dads car—which was flowing with an awkward silence—as they drove back home. elle was gnawing her lip nervously, her hair matted and her clothes that marilyn had seen her in last night balled up in her lap. tuppens shirt and her shorts being her replacement. she looked like she was ready to cry.

marilyn wasn't any better; she had hurriedly placed all her dress back on in her rush to leave noah's room. she was barefoot, the dress on incorrectly, her heels in her lap, her right fist in the palm of her left as she attempted—and failed— to crack hers fingers as her leg rapidly bounced. she was anxious anticipating what, one, her father was going to say, and two, what had happened with elle and tuppen. and something in her told her it wasn't just being caught with tuppen by their dad that had her silently sobbing.

the car pulled into the driveway and their father turned it off. he kept his eyes down before a deep sigh left him.

"go inside elle, we'll talk in a minute.." his voice was low and empathetic. elle's lip trembled as she quickly left the car and went into the house.

"dad.." marilyn quietly began, cautiously looking into the rearview mirror to try and catch her dad's eye.

"i've already been informed you and noah are dating.. how long, marilyn?" she bit her lip, looking down.

"we were going to tell you tonight, dad"

"that's not what i asked" his quick response made the blonde wince, but he didn't sound angry.

"since the fall carnival" she gave up, twiddling her fingers nervously as she awaited his response. there was a beat of silence accompanied by a loud sigh as her father sat in thought.

"i'm not mad at you marilyn," her head snapped up at his words. "disappointed? yes. you hid this from me for so long..." marilyn hung her head with guilt, her eyes glossing over.

"i can't say i support the two of you, i can't. noah has a track record. one i don't want you to get hurt by. but," marilyn's eyes flicked up into the rearview mirror. "it's not my decision to make" he spoke out, meeting the blonde's eyes.

"you're eighteen, about to graduate and go off to college. you can make your own choices without me..." he sighed, turning in his seat to give her a small smile. "i know noah is a good kid."

marilyn felt her body deflate as relief overcame her. happiness that the best outcome of the situation had taken place. but it halted when she remembered elle's state.

"thank you, dad. but... what happened with elle?" mike evans eyebrows furrowed at the question, giving marilyn an unreadable look.

"lee... caught her and that boy. tuppen?" he winced at the words he spoke, marilyn cringing as well as she recalled her dad catching her and noah.

catching both of his daughters sleeping with boys that didn't rarely find themselves in committed relationships... it was not his best day.

"your sister and lee got in a big argument about lying and keeping secrets and, to make a long story short, when i was pulling in the driveway lee was zooming off and elle was yelling at that boy she was with"

marilyn's jaw fell slack at the situation. she had totally forgotten lee had no idea of the situation between elle and tuppen. elle broke a rule, and lee took their rules about as seriously as death.

"i need to go speak to her now... she isn't doing to well with falling out with lee" her dad sighed, popping open his car door before leaving marilyn to her thoughts.

the blonde fell back into her seat in the back of her dads car, her eyes closing shut and she slapped her hands to her face wondering what the fuck had just happened.

her thoughts were interrupted as a loud buzz emitted from her phone; noah.

shuffling around, she grabbed her phone from under her legs before opening the car door, swinging her legs out. she tucked her heels under one arm, ignoring her birthday dress hanging awkwardly at the neck.

as her bare feet slapped on the stone patio she pulled her phone up. looking in the black screen she cringed—her hair was a tussled mess of blonde strands, her mascara messy and hickeys littering her neck. not her proudest moment.

she shook her head as she turned the phone on, immediately tapping on noah's thousands of apologies. she sent him a quick, reassuring text back before turning the phone back off and continuing her walk of shame into the house. she silently prayed brad was still asleep or staying at a friends house so he wouldn't witness the walking hangover sex stench that was marilyn evans.

this was so not how she expected her first day being eighteen to go.



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i owe y'all an explanation...

i last updated stars in june, and when i did i fully intended on sticking to my words of being consistent. but that was also right before summer ended. and i had to go back to school.

to say i burnt out and had the biggest writers block i have ever had IS AND UNDERSTATEMENT. i started writing this chapter immediately after publishing the party, it was never my intention to leave y'all on a cliff hanger for damn near 9 months.

the first semester of this year WHOOPED MY ASS!!!! but ya girl is on a academic comeback (doing math homework as we speak.)

to accompany the burn out and writers block i was losing my mind over a boy and also fell out with someone i truly thought would be in my life forever??

we've healed, the boy i was going insane over and i are doing welllll that's really my husband guys. so the story SHOULD be back on track now i have no intentions of dipping again, but if it is unavoidable you all will be informed. thank you for all the concern surrounding me, i would've answered i just never got notifications ...

i have many stories i want to write for you all ( 20+ stories in my drafts and notes.) but this is my MAIN focus in stories right now, if there's any requests i could look into doing those as well just comment them here.

i missed y'all real real real bad i won't do that again, i hope this chapter wasn't to bad for the wait and expect more soon (i will be writing multiple and dropping them in pairs/groups as to not make you all wait) love you!!

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