𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝐨 𝐞𝐦 𝐠𝐞𝐞

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have you two smashed yet !

       Luckily marilyn, noah, and elle were all sent back to class with a detention for the next day and a warning for both noah and marilyn, due to their "altercation" with tuppen.

marilyn had bid her best friend goodbye at lunch the second groups of girls crowded. she always took it as her cue to exit. they all just sit there and act so fake. she preferred to not get stared down her whole lunch.

the girl entered the cafeteria after not knowing where else to go. a bottle of water in her hand and a banana. she scanned the room before her eyes landed on her sister who sat alone.

she walked down the aisle leading towards her sister, ignoring the wolf whistles and stares she received. she had her long blonde waves over her shoulders as she flipped one piece to her back.

she slid onto the stool and sat beside elle who smiled at her. she smiled back as she opened her water.

"hey, ellie, how you doing? did dad drop off pants for you?" she pulled one of her legs to cross underneath her other one as she took a sip from her water before peeling her banana.

before elle could answer loud heels made contact with the floor and everyones heads went to the doors. the o.m.g girls.

marilyn sighed once she noticed they were making their way towards her sisters table the second their eyes landed on her.

they sat down quite loudly—gwyneth across from marilyn, mia across from elle, and olivia across no one—before they dived into a conversation with the two sisters; one still very confused as to why the popular juniors were sitting with them.

"oh, my god! how crazy was that fight?" olivia asked, her eyes darting between the two sisters.

"flynn was so savage!" mia added, making eye contact with marilyn who slapped on a smile. elle was still lost, wondering why they were sitting there.

sure, she had seen them talk to her sister a handful of times but it wasn't like they were close.

"have you made out with him yet? who am i kidding, of course you have!" gwyneth spoke, staring into marilyn's eyes. she shook her head at the accusation.

"gwyneth, we have not made out, i still don't know why you guys think me and noah are a thing. we're—"

"just friends, yeah we know" olivia sighed as they all opened their bananas. marilyn couldn't help the small smile on her lips as they smiled at her.

"oh, my god, i would totally have babies with noah" marilyn's eyebrows raised as she looked at gwyneth. "one girl, one boy. but not at the same time though"

mia and gwyneth shook their fingers together as they all hummed in understanding.

"yeah, you don't really get to pick the gender so much..." gwyneth stared at the girl as olivia began to talk, her eyes glued to marilyn, brimming with envy.

"i hear he's into blondes." she looked marilyn up and down before glancing at elle. "too bad, elle". her hand lightly touched her bright blonde hair.

elle still looked overwhelmed by the girls while marilyn wondered how much longer they'd be sitting there.

"give me your numerals. we should def catch up. marilyn i need your new numerals, too, the other ones seemed to not work" mia and marilyn smiled at each other before marilyn placed her real number in mia's phone.

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