8. A Glimpse of the Future

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When Oliver returned to their apartment after he had been on patrol, he found Felicity jabbering on her phone. "Ya we'd be glad to take her, oh, Oliver just walked in, I'll talk to you later," Oliver heard as he walked into the kitchen. Once Felicity had hung up her phone, Oliver tenderly kissed her neck and asked "who where you talking to?" "Uh you'll find out," Felicity said, pulling away and heading into the bedroom.

The next day Felicity left QC early to go "shopping". When Oliver walked into the apartment, Felicity had baby Sarah on her hip while she stirred something on the stove. Oliver's mouth fell open and he reacted badly. "Why is Sarah here," he demanded, shocked. "I volunteered to babysit while John and Lyla try to have an actual honeymoon," Felicity replied, defiantly. "Why didn't you ask me first?" Oliver asked "Because I knew you'd say no," Felicity finished."Did you consider at all the multi-million dollar company we are in charge of running, we can't just take off a week," Oliver threw at her. " Oliver, do you think I didn't all this before I agreed to take Sarah? I have it completely planned out," Felicity replied.

Suddenly, whatever Felicity had stopped stirring on the stove bust into flames. Felicity handed Sarah to Oliver and quickly put the pot in the sink. Sarah cooed and stroked Oliver's stubbled cheek. When Felicity had put the fire out, she leaned against the sink and said,"I'm sorry I didn't ask you, Oliver." "What?"Oliver asked,completely oblivious to what Felicity had said because he was playing peek-a-boo with Sarah. Felicity watched as Oliver made faces at Sarah and made her giggle.

Later that night, Oliver and Felicity were giving little Sarah a bath. Felicity was stroking her dark head of hair, as Oliver squeezed her purple rubber ducky. "You would make a great mom," Oliver said, nuzzling his head against Felicity's. "And you, would make a great daddy," Felicity said, kissing his cheek.

At midnight, Felicity was awakened by Sarah's cries. As she got out of bed, she noticed Oliver wasn't beside her. When she walked into the living room, she saw Oliver cradling Sarah's tiny body against his huge chest. Felicity leaned against the door frame and watched as Oliver kissed Sarah's forehead and gently laid her in the playpen. Oliver noticed Felicity when he turned around to return to bed and enveloped her in a hug. "We should get back to bed," he finally whispered.

At the end of the week, Oliver and Felicity volunteered to bring Sarah back to John and Lyla's. As they said their goodbyes to Sarah, Felicity noticed Oliver looked sad to see Sarah go. Back at their apartment, Oliver just sat on the couch and stared into the distance,

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Felicity asked, sitting next to him." Nothin," Oliver muttered. "Oliver Queen don't lie to me," Felicity warned, angerily. Oliver took Felicity into his lap and started stroking her belly. "Oliver what are you doing," Felicity asked, amused. "We should have one," Oliver said, under his breath. "What? You're gonna have to talk louder," Felicity replied. "We should have one," Oliver said, louder. Felicity's face changed as she realized what Oliver was saying. "Oliver, are you saying you want to have a child?" She asked. "Yes that's exactly what I'm saying," replied Oliver.

"Oliver we can't just have "one" we have to-" Oliver cut Felicity off with his lips. Felicity relaxed against Oliver and tugged at his shirt. Oliver lifted his shirt off and sat up on the couch. Felicity's dress was bunched up above her hips as Oliver unzipped it and threw it to the side. Felicity's fingers found Oliver's fly and with that Oliver lifted her up and carried into the bedroom.

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