15. A Hawke

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One afternoon, Felicity and Oliver were walking on a sidewalk next to a busy road. Suddenly, a little boy about ten, ran into the street, chasing after a ball. Oliver dashed into the road and pulled the child onto the sidewalk, just as a white van whizzed past.

Felicity crouched down to see if the child was alright and she gasped. Just then, a dark haired woman grabbed the boy and hugged him tightly. "Connor, you know better than to run into the street," the woman scolded. "Thank you for saving my-," the woman stopped when she saw Oliver. "Oliver!" "Sandra?" Oliver asked, in confusion.

"What are you doing in Starling?" Oliver asked, after he had recovered from the shock. "Uh, I got a job here, and we came to look at apartments today," Sandra replied, nervously. Meanwhile, Felicity hadn't stopped staring at the little boy. Oliver remembered his manners, and introduced Felicity to Sandra. "Nice to meet you," Sandra said. "Well, we have to be going," Sandra said, hurriedly. "Wait, do you guys want to have dinner with us tonight?" Oliver asked, kindly. "Umm, well, Okay," Sandra agreed.

When they returned to the apartment, Felicity didn't say a word. "Hey, what's bothering you?" Oliver asked, sitting down next to Felicity and handing her a mug of coffee. Felicity remained silent for a moment, then said " That little boy, he was your son." "WHAT?"Oliver asked. " Did you even look at him?" Felicity demanded," he had your eyes, your hair, your nose, and a few other noticeable features." "Why didn't you tell me about Sandra?" Felicity asked, hurt.

"There wasn't anything to tell, it was a one night stand," Oliver replied, still reeling. " No, it can't be, she told me she had a miscarriage," Oliver mumbled. "Well you are going to have to confront her about it tonight," Felicity said, before walking into the closet.

Felicity and Oliver met Sandra and Connor at a small diner in downtown Starling at 6PM. Once they had sat down, Oliver asked if he could speak to Sandra alone for a moment. Sandra complied, and followed Oliver outside the restaurant. " Sandra, I'm sorry but I had a right to know my son was alive," Oliver began. Sandra's eyes bugged out, and she stuttered, "How did you find out?""Felicity noticed he looked exactly like me and she confronted me about it," Oliver supplied.

" I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Oliver, but not telling you, was your mother's idea," Sandra began," when your mother found out I was pregnant with your child she paid me off, and told me to leave town, after I told you I lost the baby." Oliver clenched his fists, but he said" I'm sorry for my mother's actions, but I'd like to get to know my son now."

Sandra nodded and they re-entered the diner.

Connor was ecstatic when Sandra told him he had a father. He wouldn't stop talking or asking questions the entire time they ate dinner. When they parted ways, Sandra kindly hugged Felicity goodbye and whispered in her ear," Congratulations, on the baby." Felicity's cheeks flamed red, but she returned Sandra's hug. "Am I gonna see you alot now dad?" Connor inquired. "I hope so," Oliver replied, picking up Connor and hugging him.

"Call us if you need any help moving," Felicity said, as Oliver guided her out of the restaurant.

A smile played on Sandra's pink lips, as she and Connor made their way to the train station.

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