11. Trouble in Paradise

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Oliver swore and threw his bow to the concrete sidewalk. After Felicity had recovered from the shock of seeing Roy again, she knelt down and felt his pulse. "Well he's alive!" Felicity reported. Slowly, Diggle rise from the sidewalk, walked over to Roy's body, picked him up from the sidewalk, and lugged him to the van.

When they arrived back at the cave, Oliver said,"I want both of you out of here when Roy wakes up." "What?" Felicity and Diggle said in unison. "John I can't have you here, you have a wife and daughter to care for," Oliver explained to Diggle. Before Diggle could say anything, Felicity cleared her throat angerily.

"Excuse me, then what am I?" "Last time I checked I was living with you, and you're just throwing that away?" "And what is this?" Felicity asked gesturing to her belly,"you wanted this baby." As soon as Felicity said this she covered her mouth and started crying.

Diggle stood there for a few minutes, then his face broke into a smile. "When were you guys planning on telling me?"he asked,walking over to Felicity and hugging her tightly. "We hadn't decided," Oliver replied, simply. " Well congratulations!" Diggle said. Oliver walked over to Felicity and took her from Dig. "Hey, shhh shh, I'm sorry you were right," Oliver comforted.

"I just can't lose you, Oliver," sobbed Felicity. Oliver had unexpectedly become misty eyed, but he managed to croak out "Hey, I'm not going anywhere."

When Felicity had left, Oliver agreed to let Dig stay and help him with Roy. "John, I need you to stand behind me with your gun when I wake up Roy, just in case," Oliver said. Diggle nodded as Oliver walked over to a drawer and pulled out a pouch of herbs from the island.

Once Oliver waved them under Roy's nose, he started awake and looked around him. Roy groaned and rubbed his head, "What happened?" He finally asked. Oliver decided to stretch the truth a little and he replied," Dig and I found you unconscious in an alley way and we brought you here." "The last thing I remember is leaving Starling, then returning to my new place after work, being drugged, and thrown into the back of a car."

As Diggle took care of Roy, Oliver got Amanda Waller on the phone. "Waller I need the location to a safehouse in Starling," he said into the phone. "I don't owe you anything,Queen," Amanda replied. " Don't play that game, I just need a location," Oliver demanded. " Fine,Mr. Diggle knows where it is, he spent a few months there," Amanda said before hanging up.

A few weeks later, Roy had settled comfortably into the A.R.G.U.S. Safehouse. Oliver had let Thea know where he was so, he was pretty well set. " He just needs to sort out a few things before he can come back into reality," Oliver explained to Felicity and Diggle

Meanwhile in a cabin, 3 hours west of Starling, a black haired man was waiting for news. Suddenly, one of his men burst into the cabin to give him a report. "Harper almost completed the mission when two guys arrived and captured him, we haven't heard from him in a few weeks." The man strode to a table standing in the middle of the room and slammed a knife into it. " NO MORE EXCUSES," he yelled," I WANT MY DAUGHTER!"

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