32. Going Through the Motions

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Oliver, Connor, and Felicity were still adjusting to all the changes in their lives. Mostly, life had become normal again, except that there was an 11 year old boy to care for.

One afternoon, Felicity was forking through some paperwork at QC when her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey Fel," greeted Thea, nervously. "Hi Thea, what's up?"Felicity asked. "Well, Connor was in a bit of a fight," replied Thea. "What?!" Felicity demanded. "He's fine, but he has a fat lip and a black eye," explained Thea.

"Do you know how it happened?" Felicity asked. "The principal said something about another kid calling Connor a rich brat or something," Thea answered. "Oh... Thank you for dealing with this, Thea, we will be home as soon as possible," Felicity stated.

After Felicity hung up, she opened the door to Oliver's office and told him what had happened.

That evening, after Felicity had put Sandra to bed, they sat down with Connor at the dinner table. "Start talking, Son," Oliver requested. "There isn't much to say," mumbled Connor. " Then it won't take you long," Oliver replied. Felicity put her hand on Oliver's arm to calm him down and she quietly asked," Tell us what happened." "There's this kid in my class," began Connor," he's been heckling me and calling me names and today I had enough of it."

"Connor, if someone insults you or bothers you, you cannot lash out in anger, that will get you in alot of trouble," Felicity started," do your best to brush it off and ignore them, Ok?" "Ok," Connor agreed.

"I have one question," stated Oliver," did you get him good?"

One more issue came up when the team was on a mission the next night. The team was rounding up some illegal weapon suppliers in a warehouse outside the Glades. One of the men desperately took a shot, after the had been surrounded, and it hit Oliver point-blank in the right shoulder.

Felicity heard him yelp over her Bluetooth and she instantly started demanding what was happening. Connor had just bent over to pick up a tennis ball with one of his arrows through the center of it. "What happened?" Felicity was demanding. Finally, Oliver answered," I'm fine, got one in the shoulder though, we are on our way back."

Felicity sighed in relief and plopped back down on her chair. "What happened?" Connor suddenly asked, angerily. "Your dad got shot in the shoulder but he'll be fine," comforted Felicity. "But what if he's not?" Connor demanded. "Connor, it's just his shoulder," replied Felicity.

"But what if it wasn't," yelled Connor," what if he was killed like my mom? You told me you guys would always be there for me!" Felicity was just about to respond when a loud voice answered Connor for her. "CONNOR!" You know better then to talk to Felicity like that." Connor immediately became silent.

The team walked into the lair, with Oliver clutching his shoulder."Dad!" Connor exclaimed. "We'll talk about this later, young man," Oliver stated. Felicity handed Oliver a needle and thread and he began to take off his jacket. When he had taken off his jacket, he stated stitching up his shoulder. "Where's the bullet?" Asked Connor. "It was just a graze," Oliver groaned.

When he had finished, he sat Connor down for a little chat. "Connor, we told you we would always be there for you," started Oliver,"but we have to protect this city, even if we get hurt, that is just one of the sacrifices we have to make." Connor nodded, solemnly. "And second of all, Felicity is trying her hardest to love you and care for you, yelling at her is not the way to thank her for that, you are not to do that EVER again, do you understand me?" Oliver finished.

Connor mumbled a quick yes in response. "Good, now go to the car and apologize to Felicity, while I wrap up some things down here," Oliver directed. Connor jumped up and began walking down the stairs out of the lair. Connor stopped and yelled," I love you, Dad." Oliver smiled and returned," I love you, too."

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