29. Telling Him

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The evening following the funeral, Felicity was sitting up in bed, thinking. Suddenly, baby Sandra screeched from the nursery and Felicity rose to get her. As she got up, she felt a hand on her arm and Oliver whisper," I'll get her, go back to sleep."

When Oliver left the bedroom, Felicity sank back against the pillows and continued to think. Once Oliver had settled Sandra, he returned to the bedroom and sank down beside Felicity. Felicity felt Oliver rubbing her arms and he said," Get some sleep," before putting his head onto his pillow.

Felicity was just about to put her head onto her pillow, when a something pattered into their bedroom. Felicity flicked on the bedside lamp, and there stood Connor. His sandy blond hair was sticking out in all directions and he was clutching a blanket in his fist.

He stared at Felicity for a few minutes, then burst into tears. Felicity threw the comforter aside, picked Connor up, and snuggled in the bed with her and Oliver.

Connor cried against Felicity for several minutes, as she rubbed his back. When he had finished crying, Felicity asked," What's wrong, sweetie?" Connor hiccuped before answering," I had a dream that you, Mommy, Dad, and Baby Sandra all died and I was left all alone." Oliver sat up against his pillow and said, comfortingly," Connor, nothing is going to happen to us we'll always be here for you." Connor nodded at Oliver's words and soon was fast asleep in their bed.

The next morning, Oliver was working and Felicity was doing chores around the apartment. Felicity was talking to Oliver on the phone. "Oliver, I think we need to tell Connor about our nighttime activites,"Felicity stated, folding baby clothes."Which ones?" Oliver teased.

"Oliver! This is serious!" Felicity exclaimed, blushing. "Last night you told Connor you would always be there for him, but maybe one day you won't," Felicity said, sadly. "Ok, Felc, I'll think it over," Oliver answered. "That's all I'm asking, I love you," Felicity ended. " Love you too," Oliver replied, hanging up.

Next, Oliver called Dig and told him about the issue. "Oliver, man, I think keeping your identity from Connor will only make this bad when he gets older, but it your call, man," Dig stated. "Thanks for the advice," Oliver acknowledged, before hanging up.

That evening, Oliver took Connor to the lair. When he flicked the lights on, Connor stood there in silence for a few minutes. "Son, you know sometimes when we leave you at Aunt Thea's during the evening?" Oliver asked. "Yeah, and you never tell me where you go," Connor stated. "Well, we come here, me, Felicity, Aunt Laurel, Uncle Diggle, and sometimes Aunt Thea, come here and help the city," Oliver explained.

"Wow," Connor exclaimed," are you a vigilante like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" Oliver laughed and replied, Yeah, Yeah I am." "Now Connor, I need you to understand that keeping my identity is very very important, some people would want to hurt me or kill me if they find out about it, do you understand?" Connor nodded solemnly. Then Connor looked up at Oliver's bow and asked, pointing to the bow,"Will you teach me?" "I think that can be arranged," Oliver replied.

Just has to add those subtle references to TMNT, because Stephen Amell is going to play Casey Jones in the second one! Sooooooo excited!😅😅😱😱😱

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