17. Some Bumps Along The Road

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Oliver was having the worst week of his life. Things were extremely hectic at QC and it was stressing Oliver out.

On Wednesday night, Laurel, Thea, and Oliver were stopping some gang bangers in downtown Starling. Laurel made a ridiculous mistake at recklessly rushed at the leader. The leader freaked out at started shoot his machine gun wildly. One of the bullet found its mark in Thea's torso and she cried out in pain. Oliver dodged the bullets and quickly took out all of the men with his arrows, and then walked over to Laurel who was crouching next to Thea's body.

"Is she alive?" He demanded. " Yeah, her pulse is there,"Laurel breathed. Oliver wasted no time in picking Thea off the ground and heading to his motorcycle. " Prep for surgrey," he communicated over his earpiece, driving his motorcycle. "What happened?" Demanded Felicity. "Laurel happened," Oliver growled.

When they arrived back at the lair, Oliver extracted the bullet from Thea and sewed her up. After she had stabilized, he slammed his fist down on the desk and yelled at Laurel," WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Laurel remained silent and didn't look Oliver in the eye. " I'VE TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES YOU CAN'T JUST RUN AT THEM SWINGING!" "AND NOW THEA IS PAYING FOR YOUR STUPIDITY!" Oliver roared.

Laurel crossed her arms in defiance,"You can't tell me you've never done that before," she said,in quiet anger. Felicity walked over to Oliver and put her hand on his arm,"Oliver-," "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Oliver hollered.

Felicity jerked away as if she had been burned, but then stood up to Oliver. Felicity's hand slapped across Oliver's stubbled cheek and she stopped out of the lair. "Ok ok, guys cool it," demanded Diggle, who had been standing in the background, "you," he said, pointing to Laurel,"go home.""But I wasn't done- " Laurel protested. "GO!" Diggle yelled.

Laurel had never seen Diggle this angry, so she quickly obeyed and left. "Oliver what was that about?" Diggle demanded. Oliver put his head in his hands and rubbed his temples with his fingers. "I don't know, John, I'm just stretched thin," Oliver said, quietly. "Oliver maybe it would be a good idea if you took a break, and just focused on Oliver Queen," advised Diggle.

Oliver nodded and walked over the medical table. Thea was still unconscious, but she was going to be okay. "Will you stay with her until she wakes up?I have to go and apologize to Felicity," Oliver stated. "Yeah, go ahead man, good luck, Diggle said.

Oliver walked into their apartment and found Felicity snuggled in their bed. She had fallen asleep in her heels and dress, her glasses falling off her face. As Oliver got closer he noticed fresh tear stains on her pink cheeks. Oliver sat down in the bed next to Felicity and stroked her golden ponytail. Felicity stirred but kept her face pressed against her pillow.

"Felicity, we need to talk," Oliver pleaded. "Then talk," replied Felicity, tersely. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I'm under a lot of stress right now, so I'm going to take a break from the Arrow for a while,"Oliver apologized. " Well, I accept your apology, but I'm not sorry for slapping you," Felicity laughed.

Oliver laughed with her and gathered her against his chest, kissing her hair.

A few days later, Thea had fully recovered and Oliver had apologized to Laurel. Then on Friday, Oliver went to visit Roy at the safehouse. "Oliver I appreciate every thing you've done for me, but I can't sit here and rot for the rest of my life," Roy said. "Roy, I understand that, but you're gonna have to wait a little longer, until I can come up with a solution," Oliver replied. Roy nodded and complied with Oliver.

A few days later, Oliver had come up with a solution: Ray Palmer.

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