25. Family Life

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Oliver had off as the Arrow for the night so he could spend time with his family. Felicity had Sandra in her bouncy seat while she prepared dinner. When Oliver walked into the apartment, he kissed Felicity hello then moved to his daughter. Oliver kissed her forehead, as he picked her up. "I invited someone for supper, tonight," Felicity said.

"Who?" Oliver asked. "Thea," Felicity replied. "That was nice of you," Oliver stated, cradling little Sandra. " I know," Felicity smiled. 20 minutes later, everyone was sitting at the table eating Felicity's cheesy green bean casserole. "Felicity let me feed the baby, you need to eat," Thea stated.

Felicity handed the baby and her bottle to Thea, and began eating. Thea talked to the baby for the rest of the meal, then she said she needed to get going. "Speedy, are you sure you don't wanna stay longer?" Oliver asked. "Nope, duty calls, thank you for having me," Thea replied, kissing Oliver's cheek.

When Oliver had successfully put Sandra to bed, he strode into the kitchen where Felicity was cleaning. He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her neck longingly. "You know, its been almost nine months since we've had sex," Felicity said, leaning into his embrace. "Is that right?" Oliver asked, spinning her around to meet his lips. Felicity allowed Oliver's tongue to enter her mouth, but then she pulled away.

"You know what happened the last time we did this," she stated. "Maybe we'll be more careful this time," Oliver replied, kissing her again. Felicity felt Oliver's hands on her thighs lifting her onto the counter. Oliver pulled her shirt off of her, and his hands rested on her waist.

Oliver lifted her up and carried her into their bedroom, tossing her onto the bed. He threw off his shirt, exposing his scarred chest, and crawled on top of a giggling Felicity. Oliver started sucking the skin of Felicity's neck and she let a soft moan.

Suddenly, a soft cry sounded from the nursery and Felicity tried to push Oliver off of her. "Stay," he growled, low in his throat. Felicity willingly met his lips again and she felt his fingers unclasp her bra. Oliver flipped her on top of him and she threw the garment to the carpet. " I thought we were being more careful," she whispered. ""We are," Oliver replied, his hands entering Felicity's skinny jeans.

"Oliver," she gasped. Oliver moved his lips to hers again and paused to say," It's really sexy when you say my name like that."

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