24. Team Up

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Oliver and Felicity waited till 7:30 for Donna to arrive but she never showed. Finally, Felicity decided to put Sandra to bed. While she was changing her diaper, her phone rang. It was Mrs. Smoak. " Hey mom why didn't you come for dinner?" Asked Felicity.

"Oh I would've loved to but I'm a bit busy at the moment," replied Damien Dahkr. " Let me put this simply, if you do not deliver Oliver Queen and Barry Allen to me in the next 4 hours, you will be planning your mother's funeral." Then he hung up. " OLIVER! OLIVER!"Felicity yelled. Oliver came dashing into the nursery.

Felicity passed the baby to him and explained the situation. Oliver walked into the living room and soon made calls to Coast and Central City. "Felicity, Barry and Ray are on their way, while this is going down, I want you and Sandra in the lair, if something goes wrong your father will probably go after you," Oliver said, grabbing his coat.

Felicity silently agreed and finished strapping Sandra into her baby carrier. Oliver picked up the baby carrier and they headed out of the apartment.

1 hour later, Ray Palmer and Barry Allen had arrived and were conversing with Oliver in the lair. Suddenly, Felicity's phone rang, it was her father again," Time's running out," he warned before hanging up. Felicity set down the phone and Oliver asked her to pull up a layout of the building. "Ok, as soon as we have him, all we have to do is hand him over to A.R.G.U.S."

After he had finished talking to Felicity, he turned around and said," Gentlemen, It's time." "Please be careful," Felicity pleaded. Oliver kissed her and gently kissed Sandra forehead. " I will, and don't worry we'll get her back," he reassured her.

10 minutes later, they were standing outside of the building. "No matter what happens stick to the plan, and Ray, wait for my signal," Oliver directed."Felicity, we are entering the building, how do we get upstairs?" He asked into his bluetooth. "Ok, take a left, that will get you to a stairwell which will take you up to the 4th floor, then take a right and walk up another stairwell, that will lead you into the hallway," Felicity instructed.

Barry and Oliver scrambled up the stairs and got to the 5th floor quickly. They walked into a long hallway and two armed gunman were waiting for them. Barry and Oliver were instructed to get on their knees and hold up their hands. "Ray, do your thing," Oliver whispered.

Damien Dakhr strode out of the shadows and took the pistol his henchman gave him. "Alrighty, who wants to die first?" He inquired, wickedly. Suddenly, the man standing nearest to Damien fell to the floor with a yell. Damien turned around and that gave Oliver time to get the jump on him. Damien had been an apprentice of Ras al Ghul, so he wasn't helpless.

He quickly flipped Oliver off of him, cocked his gun and shot. Thankfully, Barry speedily redirected the bullet into of Damien's men, and took Damien out. Damien lay sprawled out on the floor, as a normal sized Ray, walked in with Donna Smoak. Mrs. Smoak was none to happy to see Damien, and she gave him a nice black eye.

When Felicity, Mrs. Smoak, and Sandra, were all safe at the apartment, Oliver said his goodbye's to Barry and Ray. "Thanks for the backup guys, and Ray, since when do you shrink?" Oliver asked. "No problem," replied Barry," well I gotta get going, cya guys." And just like that, Barry was gone in flash. " Glad to help, gave me a chance to test out the Atom's new technology, cya 'round the school yard," Ray said, before equipping his Atom suit and flying into the night sky.

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