33. The Young Archer

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Oliver was out on patrol on what seemed to be an unusually quiet night in the city. Felicity was rocking Sandra in the baby carrier with her foot, while sitting at her desk and staying on coms with Oliver. Meanwhile, Connor was wearing a quiver of arrows and practicing what his dad had taught him. Connor would throw a tennis ball in to the air, draw an arrow, and shoot it through the center of the ball. Connor's archery skills had improved immensely, but there were times when the arrow missed the ball and buried itself into the wall.

This week in Connor's training Oliver was teaching him to rely on all his senses besides sight. Oliver would make him wear a blindfold, while he threw a ball up in the air. By listening intently, Connor could make out the sound of the ball leaving his dad's hand and how long it would take for the ball to line up with his arrow. This exercise was done when no one but him and his father where present, one because other noises were distracting and second because often Connor's arrows went anywhere but into the ball.

After seeing nothing on his patrol, Oliver's voice came over the coms," On my way back."
"See you soon," Felicity answered, shutting off the coms and turning around in her cushioned office chair.

When she did, Felicity shrieked, jumping up from her seated position. There at the end of the stairs, stood a figure dressed completely in black, none of his face was visible. The figure gripped what looked like a crossbow in one of his gloved hands. Felicity's eyes widened with fright and she dared to glance at Sandra who was fast asleep in her car seat. The figure started forward, towards Felicity and the baby.
  Connor had heard Felicity scream, (it was hard not to)but couldn't see anyone. He was about to ask Felicity what was wrong, when a tall dark figure stepped out of the shadows. It seemed that the figure didn't notice Connor at all but slowly stalked towards Felicity.

"Get the Hell out," Felicity managed to say, before she attempted to defend herself. There was a stapler sitting on Felicity desk, a couple inches from her hand. Felicity desperately grabbed in and swung it towards the intruder. The attacker grabbed it out of Felicity's hand and hit her over the head. Felicity fell to the floor, blood pouring from a wound on her forehead.
    Just as the intruder dropped the stapler to the floor. Connor let one of his arrows fly. The arrow found its mark just above the man's heart. The figure clutched his chest in surprise and attempted to flee the scene, but he collapsed only a few seconds later.
Connor slowly lowered his bow, still processing what he had just done when he heard feet descending the stairs. He raised his bow again, just it time to see his father enter the lair. Oliver took one sweeping glance around the room and spied Felicity lying on the floor, blood seeping from her head. By now, Sandra had awakened and was screaming at the top of her lungs. Oliver rushed over to Felicity's body and felt her pulse; it was normal.
     Oliver gently lifted Felicity into his arm and motioned to Connor. Handing his son his phone," Oliver instructed Connor to call Thea, tell her what had happened, and to come ASAP. Connor did as he was told as Oliver ran up the stairs to the car to take Felicity to the hospital.
  Thea came in record breaking time. Connor was rocking Sandra in her carrier, attempting to calm her, but she screamed anyway, when Thea came pattering down the stairs. "Are you both okay?" She demanded,  concerned. Connor nodded, remaining silent, while Thea quickly picked up the baby and attempted to soothe her.
Thea took them to her loft apartment and soon Sandra was peacefully sleeping once again. Oliver returned not long after with news that Felicity was resting comfortably overnight at the hospital just to be safe. Thea pulled Oliver aside with a concerned look on her face and said," Connor hasn't said a peep all night, somethings wrong, you need to talk to him."
   Oliver glanced over at Connor who was currently staring into space and nodded," I'll talk to him, thank you Thea."
        Oliver sat down on the sectional next to Connor and asked," What happened?"
     Connor remained silent at first but then the story came spilling out. "I was practicing my aim when I heard Lissy scream, when I turned around at first I didn't see anyone, but then a guy dressed in black walked out from under the stairs and toward Lissy. She tried to hit him with the stapler on her desk but he grabbed it from her and hit her instead. That's when I pulled the string out my bow back and shot an arrow at him. I shot him and he didn't get up again."
Connor burst into tears and buried his head in Oliver's chest. Oliver let the boy cry for several minutes before he eased back and made eye contact with him.
"Connor, I am so proud of you for shooting that bad guy, if you hadn't he may have hurt Felicity again or even Sandra. You did the right thing and I'm very proud of you."
Connor remained silent for several seconds then threw his arms around his father.

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