28. Goodbye

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No known family of Sandra's could be found, so they held the funeral the next day. Felicity picked out the coffin and floral arrangements and engaged a pastor for the service. At the apartment that morning, Oliver was preparing Connor for the funeral. Connor was showing no emotion, but was instead, cold and stone faced.

Oliver knelt beside him and straightened his black tie and asked," Are you ready son?" Connor bobbed his head and a single tear slipped from his ocean-colored eyes. "Oliver, we are ready," Felicity announced, lifting Sandra's baby carrier.

3 hours later, a small group was gathered in front of a coffin in a beautiful cemetery. The day was dreary and cloudy, devoid of any sunshine.

The pastor had just finished his message and said," It is time to pay your last respects." Connor was hunched next to Sandra's coffin, his hand on one of the metal handles. Oliver put a hand on Connor's shoulder and whispered," Son it's time."

Connor hid his face in his black jacket and his tiny body shook with sobs. Oliver let him cry, as mourners dropped flowers on the coffin and trickled away. Finally, Connor finished crying a stood up, his face completely serious.

Oliver pulled him into a hug, as Felicity walked to the coffin. "Sandra, thank you for everything, you were an incredible friend to me and Oliver, but especially to me, I'll miss you," but then Felicity's voice was chocked off by sobs.

Felicity put both her hands on Sandra's coffin and let her tears fall onto the polished wood. As her tears subsided, she managed to croak out," Sandra, I promise to be the best mother I can to Connor, I'll try and carry on what you began.......Goodbye Sandra." Felicity's grip on the coffin loosened and she slowly walked away from the gravesite, as raindrops began pattering from the sky.

Felicity took the baby carrier from Oliver's hand, and opened her black umbrella. Oliver stuck his hands into his deep pockets and strode over to the maple coffin.

He clenched his fist, inside his pocket, and knelt beside the coffin. Tears began coursing down his stubbled cheeks and he covered his face with his hand.
Oliver cried for all the things he had done to Sandra in the past, as rain soaked through his suit.

Oliver felt Felicity's slender hand on his shoulder and he stood up. "Are you ok?" She asked, gently. "I'll be fine," Oliver replied, pressing a kiss against her temple. "Let's go home," Felicity pleaded.

"Ok," Oliver replied, taking the heavy baby carrier from Felicity. "Connor, it time to go home," Felicity told Connor, kindly. Connor's eyes were staring off across the cemetery and he nodded obediently.

The small family huddled under the black umbrella, as they walked towards the parking lot.

Felicity had gone to bed really early after such a difficult day, and Connor was quietly watching TV with Oliver that evening, when he stated," I miss her." Oliver pulled him in for a hug, and answered," I do too."

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