9. A Dream Come True

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One month later, Felicity was still in the bathroom after Oliver had called her five times. "Felicity it's time to go," Oliver said, glancing at his watch. Suddenly, Felicity threw open the bathroom door, still dressed in her pajamas, something clutched in her right hand.

Felicity hugged Oliver tightly and started laughing. Oliver slightly disturbed, asked "Are you alright?" "I'm more then alright, I'm perfect," Felicity exclaimed, spinning out of Oliver's arms. "And why are you so perfect?" Oliver inquired. "Because look at this," Felicity said, thrusting something into Oliver's hand.

Oliver's eyes widened, it was a pregnancy test, and it was positive.

3 weeks later, morning sickness had set in and Felicity was irritable. Oliver was more than happy to leave the apartment for work everyday, so he could be away from the wrath of Felicity. Nearly every day, Felicity called Oliver at work to yell at him for something like leaving his toothpaste cap open. When Oliver returned home one day, Felicity was reclining on the couch watching "Psych" reruns and eating out of a huge tub of mint chip. Felicity was laughing so hard tears were running off her face and onto her blanketed lap.

So Oliver did the best thing he could think of, he took Felicity onto his lap and watched TV with her. Felicity snuggled against him, and ate a huge spoonful of mint chip. Oliver smiled and kissed the top,of her head.

Before long, Felicity was mostly over her morning sickness and back to work at QC.

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