26. A Resurrected Warrior

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Ok this chapter will not be one of my best......😁😁 Battling a severe case of writer's block....

Laurel and Nyssa were sitting in their favorite diner in downtown Starling. Nyssa sighed deeply, then said," Laurel, I promised myself, I wouldn't keep anything from you." "Ok?" Laurel hesitated. "But I have...." Nyssa regretted.

"Sara is alive," she stated. " Nyssa, if this is a joke, it's not funny, Sara's dead, I held her in my arms as she died, you visited her grave," Laurel recollected. "Before we returned to Nanda Parbat, last May, a few assassins and myself retrieved Sara's coffin and brought it to Nanda Parbat with us."

"Shortly, after, we resurrected Sara in the Lazarus pit, but not without some significant side effects," Nyssa said." Like what?" Laurel asked. "Sara doesn't remember anything about her previous life," Nyssa answered. "After staying awhile in Nanda Parbat, Sara left without my knowledge." " I finally found her about a month ago, living in Coast City, she started a new life," Nyssa explained.

" I need to see her," Laurel said. "Laurel, I cannot allow that, Sara has started a new life, she has no guilt or burdens like she used to, if you see her you will only be paining yourself," Nyssa argued. "Nyssa, you can't stop me," Laurel threw back, storming out of the diner.

Oliver and Felicity were playing with baby Sandra on the floor, when a knock sounded at the door. "I'll get it," Oliver groaned, rising from the floor. "What do you want?" He demanded, when he saw Nyssa. Nyssa swept past him, into the apartment. "I need your help," she stated, walking to a window, overlooking the city.

"Laurel is angry with me," Nyssa said. "Why is that?" Felicity asked, shielding Sandra in her arms. Nyssa recounted the entire story to Oliver and Felicity. "Wow," Felicity stated. " So you are basically saying, there is no more Sara she's a completely new person," asked Oliver. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, she is so carefree and happy now, I can't have Laurel ruin that," Nyssa replied.

"Diggle and I will confront her tomorrow, until then stay away from Laurel," Oliver commanded, showing Nyssa to the door.

The next night, Laurel stumbled into the cave after she had been on patrol. She giggled as she pulled out her duffle and stuffed her blond wig and fighting sticks into it. Oliver and Diggle were watching her intently and she finally slurred," you can't stop me from visiting Sara."

"Laurel, you've been drinking," Oliver stated. "So what if I have been," Laurel said, stumbling towards the men, " you two are blocking my way of escape," she said, tapping Diggle on the shoulder. "Laurel, we cannot let you go to Coast City," Oliver began. "Whose gonna' stop meh?" Laurel laughed. But Laurel didn't wait for an answer, she instead cracked her stick against Oliver's ribs.

Oliver yowled out in pain and was not prepared for Laurel's fist which connected with his jaw. Oliver fell to the floor of he lair, clutching his jaw. "Don't make me do this, Laurel," Dig pleaded. Laurel did not stand down, so Dig wrenched her stick from her hand and knocked her over the head with it.

After helping Oliver up, Diggle said," Felicity is gonna kill you." "Why is Felicity going to kill you?" Felicity asked, walking into the lair, toting Sandra's baby carrier. After surveying the situation, she said," I won't have to kill you, someone already took a care of that for me."

" I'll take Laurel home with me, Lyla will take care of her, I'll see you guys later," Diggle said, picking up Laurel and leaving. " What got into Laurel?" Felicity questioned, wrapping Oliver's bruised ribs up. " She had been drinking.." Oliver replied. "What do we do now?" Felicity asked. " I'm not sure," Oliver replied, picking up Sandra.

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