27. Tragedy

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I just read today on Tumblr that Sandra and Connor won't be in season 4:(
I know alot of people are going to hate me for writing this chapter, but enjoy!:)

While Nyssa dealt with Laurel, Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Lyla, Sandra(not baby Sandra), and Connor, took a break, and went out on the town. Everyone was innocently eating dinner, when 4 masked gunman entered the restaurant. They pointed their guns at the ceiling and shot them off, yelling,"EVERYBODY GET ON THE FLOOR!"

Oliver pulled Felicity under the table and looked around at his friends' frightened faces. He shot Diggle a look and he nodded. Diggle popped above the table and opened fire at the gunman. Meanwhile, Oliver was pushing the women towards the exit.

Diggle took shelter under the table, to reload his gun. In his absence, one of the injured gunman, lying on the floor grabbed his gun and shot it. Diggle ducked the stream of bullets, but Sandra was not as quick. The bullets caught Sandra in the chest and she staggered and crumpled the restaurant floor.

Diggle slammed his gun down on the head of the man, and aimed his gun over the rest of the restaurant. Felicity saw Sandra's body crumple to the floor, and started screaming, desperately. " SANDRA!" When she escaped Oliver's grasp, she dashed over to Sandra's limp body.

"Sandra, No, stay with me, you're gonna be OK," Felicity comforted, stroking Sandra's face. "Not this time," Sandra croaked," promise me you'll take care of Connor." "Of course, but we won't need to, you're gonna be ok, Sandra," Felicity cried. A single tear trickled down Sandra's cheek, before her brown eyes fluttered shut.

Sandra's grasp on Felicity's hand loosened and her head nodded to the side. "Sandra, no, no, no," Felicity yelled, frantically. Tears came streaming down her cheeks and laid her face in her bloody hands.

Meanwhile, Connor was watching the whole scene, standing in shock. Suddenly, he bolted for the door of the restaurant and ran into the night. No one noticed his escape.

Oliver was comforting Felicity, when Diggle asked the obvious question,"Hey, where's the kid?" Oliver pulled away from Felicity and glanced around the restaurant. He didn't see a little boy with dirty blond hair. "Where could he have gone?" Diggle demanded. "Johnny, he could have gone anywhere, especially after seeing his mother get killed," Lyla said.

Felicity was still holding Sandra's cold hand and muttering to herself. "We need to get him back," she stated, coldly. "I promised Sandra I would care for her son. Where's my phone?"

Once Oliver had retrieved Felicity's phone, she began searching for any clue of the ten-year old. Then she remembered the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle watch he wore on his left wrist. Felicity began searching for any sign of an electrical current. She finally found one on the south side of the Glades.

"Found him!" Felicity announced. Oliver jumped up and ran out of the restaurant, Felicity trailing behind. Diggle glanced around then noticed Sandra's body. He sadly bent over and picked up the limp body.

Oliver and Felicity had arrived in a dark, dank alleyway in the Glades. Oliver picked his way through the alley and successfully found a sobbing Connor. Oliver picked him up and carried him to the van.

That night, Oliver had made a temporary bed for Connor on the couch. Connor sat up and asked," What's going to happen to me now?" Oliver hesitated then answered," You are going to live with me and Lissy now, is that OK with you?" Connor bobbed his blond head, vigorously, before bursting into tears and throwing his skinny arms around Oliver's neck. "I love you, Dad." He sniffled.

"I love you too, son," Oliver replied, tearing up.

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