31. The White Canary

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Oliver was filling out some paperwork at QC, when his phone rang. He picked it up, kicking back in his black leather office chair. "Hello?" "Hey Queen, this is Ray!" "Uh hey Ray! What's up?" Oliver asked. "Well I was calling to tell you me and Roy are in town to track some leads on this immortal dude," Ray answered.

"I'm guessing you're not calling to ask for my help," Oliver replied. "Uh, not so much, but we could use Felicity," Hesitated Ray. "Ok, I'm sure Felicity would be glad to do it," Oliver answered. "Ok thanks," Ray said, hanging up.

That night, Oliver led Ray and Roy into the new Lair, where Felicity was sitting at her desk. "Where's the fam?" Teased Ray." Hopefully in bed," Felicity answered. "Ok, what did you want me to help you with?" She asked. " We picked up a bullet casing from our last run in with him and I was wondering if you could find out where it came from," Ray supplied.

"I'll do my best," Felicity said, taking the casing from Ray. " I found something," she alerted the vigilantes. " It seems the bullets were purchased illegally then sold on the black market, law enforcement intercepted a shipment of them last month, but apparently not all of them, that's all I found."

"Thanks, Felicity, that should help, well we should get going, we have bad guys to nab," Ray joked. Oliver walked Ray and Roy out of the building and into the dark night. "Ugh, finally, what took you so long?" A familiar voice complained from the alley. Two women stepped out of the alley, crossing their arms. One dressed completely in white and with a matching mask and one dressed regularly.

Oliver stared at the woman in white and questioned," Sara?" " So much for my secret identity, and you are?" Sara asked. Oliver quickly supplied his name, and Sara moved to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you," she said. " Well, team, we need to get back to Coast City, cya 'round Oliver, and thanks,"Ray stated.

Laurel was sitting in her apartment, when she heard a knock at the door. She got up to answer it and it was Nyssa. " Sara is in town, I've arranged for you to see her, but she is leaving soon," Nyssa said, quickly. "Come,"she commanded. Laurel followed Nyssa to their favorite diner. "Remember, you cannot let on that you were in anyway connected to her, ot will make her suspicious and that will cause problems," Nyssa warned.

When they entered the diner, Laurel spotted Sara right away. She was innocently sitting at a table looking around. " Sara," Nyssa stated, " I want you to meet a friend of mine, this is Laurel Lance." Laurel couldn't help herself, and she gave Sara a huge hug. "People are so friendly in this city," Sara exclaimed, accepting the hug.

After they had finished their dinner, they were sitting around chatting. Suddenly, Laurel looked up to see her father walk into the diner. She motioned to Nyssa and she hurriedly announced it was time to leave. Laurel slipped out of the fire exit, with Sara and Nyssa in tow. "It was nice meeting you," smiled Sara. "It was," Laurel replied. "Goodbye," Nyssa stated. "Bye," Laurel mumbled, sadly as Nyssa and Sara walked away.

Later, Nyssa called Laurel from Coast City. "Laurel, you should come to Coast for awhile, Sara would appreciate your company as a friend," Nyssa said. " I will," promised Laurel. "And Laurel," warned Nyssa," your father can never know about Sara." " I know," sighed Laurel.

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