First moves

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07:00 am

The school was still closed as I arrived in the morning hours of the day. Birds started to play catch in the air and chirp happily which melted in harmoniously with the noise of wind chasing through leaves. 

I waited anxiously for Laura as I stood outside with my headphones in. We agreed on appearing earlier in school than normal to have enough time for make up. But even though the sun greeted earth with her warm sunbeams the air was still ice cold, considering I only wore overalls and a yellow T-shirt. This didn't make it less uncomfortable to wait.

Kiss the go goat blasted through my headphones on full volume and filled my whole body with joy. Is was like as soon as I listen to some music the world around me seemed to fade away. I was in my own universe. The song vibrated against my skin as it went along, adding another tie around my heart to keep it safe.

You've been daddied by all the dudes that were not dad.
And all of those dads never gave you things that you should've had.

I bobbed my head to the beat, not minding if someone though i looked crazy or not. I've learned to ignore those people. So instead of stopping I moved my hips from left to right a little, letting the music consume every inch of my body.

Until suddenly my heart nearly stopped as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I let out a small squeak in surprise and turned around. The wide grin of Laura was in front of me, her eyes sparkling.

"Listening to some good tunes?" She asked and pulled me into a tight hug after I took my headphones off. I chuckled slightly as heat flushed my cheeks and nodded. My arms wrapped around the shorter girl in front of me and we stood there for a second before someone coughed quietly.

"I- uhh- well, what a beautiful weather" Per said and aggressively turned his head from left to right, pretending to not see us. I laughed a little as Laura pulled away from me. His grey eyes met mine and I feel a surge of energy rushing through my veins. The smile that laid on his lips looked so stupidly beautiful and bright as if it could light up a whole room. "Good morning" Per chuckled as also he gently wrapped his arms around my torso.

I took a sharp breath in as his body pressed against mine. Something on the left side of my chest pounded hard against my ribs, so much it hurt. But why? Why did I react like this to his touch?

I slowly circled my arms around his figure and leaned my head on top of his shoulder. Per really had the perfect height to do that, since he was only a tiny tiny bit taller than me. I wished time stopped in that moment so that I could feel his touch for ever but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

After two seconds I broke away again, even though I had to force myself. He felt like a magnet and something in me was pulled towards him.

After the short hug I noticed how the two were dressed, but especially Per. He wore a red suit, beneath that an orange suit vest and a green button down shirt, showing more skin of his chest than it should. A tease and it worked. All of that complimented his body so perfectly, I could stare at him forever. His hair had a green tint, but nothing more. The make up was missing.

"I guess you're going as the joker, am i right or am i right?" I asked a little playfully with a grin on my lips. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up.  "So where's the big red smile then?"

"Well i don't have make up, you see." Per spoke and folded his hands behind his back. His voice felt like pleasure to my ears as he spoke and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes- what the fuck was wrong with me..

"but i do. Theres no possible way, that you're going to cosplay the joker without the iconic smile. If you want to, i can give you red face paint." i offered and regretted my words immediately. What if he was uncomfortable with me doing his make up?

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