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"Do you know why he asked me about my birthday?" I asked Sodo as I sat with my back against the wall of the ghouls room. The atmosphere was definitely way better than two hours ago but I still felt the tension in the air. A rather uncomfortable situation but I don't think that anyone would've reacted differently from us when they'd find out that someone escaped from prison and is now hunting after them.

"He wanted to know when your blood turned black" Sodo said and stared into emptiness.

"What do you mean by that" I asked and turned my head towards the ghoul who was sitting to my left.

"I mean that the reason because your blood is black is because you are not just a normal human being. Your blood turns black once you are officially of legal age but only if you have something magical in you. But a wizard or vampire doesn't just spawn in the family out of nowhere, which means that you must have some kind of witch or a wizard and,or a vampire as a family member since this magical blood can only be inherited.

But you have to remember that your parents aren't necessarily a wizard or witch or vampire, just because you are. It can also happen that your moms great great grandma was a witch but the next generation who's a witch/wizard is you. Your mom isn't magical, neither is your grandma, great great grandma and your great great great grandma. I- do you have any idea how powerful you could be if you'd be a fire ghoul?" Sodo said and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hey! Please also think about me! About how I feel?! I don't want to be a fucking weapon, i want none of this." I exclaimed, taken back by what he said.

"I don't want to be some random ass witch/wizard and I also don't want to be a vampire. Do you know how long I tried to create this freezing thing again? It never happen again. I wanted to have powers, back then, everyone did at that age, probably still do but I don't. I gave up, Sodo. Maybe if that ice creating magic had happened again I would think about it differently today but that's not the reality."

"I'm sorry" he spoke softly. I just sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. I didn't want to fight. Especially not with him.

Sodo laid his arm around my upper body and pulled me closer, giving me the comfort I needed at this moment.

"Even if, I'm not a ghoul, that's for sure"
"But I can make you be one" Sodo whispered and i immediately sat up straight.

"Just like vampires, ghouls can bite. But preferably only persons with magic in their blood, otherwise we'd just kill them. A "normal" human wouldn't survive that." he said as I listened carefully.

"So you're saying that ghouls can only turn vampires and wizards into ghouls?"

"Yeah. And witches, werewolves, elves, goblins-"

"Werewolves? Aren't those only in fairytales?" I interrupted him and started to get worried. There's no way that they exist. Nobody ever said something about them and also the news have never reported it.

"Yes, y/n, they do exist. On earth, in hell, probably also in heaven, I don't know about that though, never been there before and also never will. Obviously." Sodo joked and smiled a bit.

"Then how come i've never seen one?"

"They're good at hiding. The best ones, actually. They're not called masters of hiding without a reason. Werewolves wait for the perfect moment, when someone is alone, and the when the clock chimes twelve they snap."

As Sodo spoke the last word he suddenly grabbed both of my shoulders and pressed me onto the bed. This sudden actions made me jump a little bit and my heart immediately started pounding faster.

"They're like a shadow in the dark. No human being has even seen one. Still they are there, living with the humans, talking like them, acting like them, walking like them." he said like he wanted to scare a little kid. To be honest, it kinda worked.

"And let me say it like that: they do not look like how you think. Werewolves are not like they are described in the Harry Potter books or other fairytales. They do not look like wolves, standing up straight like a human with glowing red eyes." Sodo hissed while getting closer to my face. His stare got more intense with the time and it felt like he was reading my mind.

"They're tall humans with a hairy, skinless face; yellow teeth sharp like a knife; one yellow, big, scary eye and trust me you would rather die than look into it for more than five seconds. Dried blood from their victims is all over their body and face, if you can even call it a face, the nose is practically non existent, their long tongue is sliced into two, long sharp fingernails and the ears are three times the size of normal ones."

Sodos grip got tighter around my waist as he spoke. Our faces were inches away from each other and I felt the heat on my skin that was radiating off him. The red eyes that stared into mine were wide open and the black eyeballs seemed so much more protruding than before. 

"But don't worry, nothing can happen to you as long as you're not alone in the forest while its already dark outside." Sodo whispered and leaned down even more so that the tips of our noses touched. He was so close, I could have counted each eyelash. His weight pressed against my body, pinning me onto the bed so that there was no way for me to escape.

"You're the most handsome ghoul ever" I breathed while maintaining the eye contact and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I remember you saying that yesterday night when you were hovering over my lips, love." Sodo breathed and my heart was beating faster at the nickname. Oh I would so go down for him like Holy Mary.

"When you waited for me to make the first move" he spoke, his voice low. The tension in my body grew as Sodo was only a few inches away. The way I just wanted to grab him and kiss him and make sure that he knew he belonged to me but I controlled myself.

"I still have a few people to introduce to you" Sodo then suddenly said like nothing happened and stood up, heading towards the door."

»damn, his attitude changed quick« I thought got up from the comfortable bed with effort and followed him.

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