Unveiling Hidden Powers

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Same routine for two weeks now. Wake up after a nightmare, eat breakfast, twiddle thumbs until 4 pm or so, meet up with Copia, then rehearsal with the other ones, dinner and finally collapsing on the bed only to dive into the same nightmare again. Not gonna lie, it drained me the fuck out but i was happy. Happy to wake up in Sodos arms, see my friends every day and finally play in a band. It's a dream come true. Also my parents finally gave in and now some creatures - i believe - are watching over them. Copia mentioned something about a Phantom and Aurora.

I was working hard on my "powers". Nik sometimes calls me Elsa to tease me and its slowly getting annoying, especially because Eli started doing it too. But no matter how hard i tried, no matter how angry i got, i never got pass the cold hand part. It's the only thing that ever happens and it makes me crazy.

I spent a lot of time in the library reading, together with Mist and Eli. It's really practical to have thousands of books in ones house, you never get bored. Especially since we can't go outside or anything.

"Y/n?" A soft voice shouted from behind, making me look up from my book. Rain was quickly walking in my direction and he looked.. a little taken back. Something must've happened to make the water ghoul look all screwed up like this.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and stood up but not before laying a bookmark between the two pages and closing it with a 'thum'.

"We got the results from you blood test"

Oh yeah, i haven't mentioned it. Copia wanted me to do a blood test to indentify who i really was.. if his supposition was true.

My heart immediately started speeding up at his words. "So?"

"You need to come with me. Copia wants to talk to you himself" he said out of breath. His two glowing blue eyes stared into mine and i suddenly felt a little more uncomfortable. Nervous.

I gave him a quick nod and followed him through hallways. My first guess would be that Rain was leading me to the Cardinals office but no. Right as i was about to knock the ghoul grabbed my arm and dragged me past his door.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, ignoring the heart that wanted to jump out of my chest. Something heavy was pressing my lungs together and it was slowly getting harder to breathe.

"We're here soon. Copia is somewhere more protected than his office." the panting ghoul said as we hurried through hallways filled with warm summer air. Doors passed like trees on a car ride. One, two, tree,.. thirty-two. I counted all of them until we stopped in front of one that looked like all the others. It took Copia exactly fifteen seconds to open the door after Rain knocked three times. Crazy.. since i first saw the glowing clock in front of me i got obsessed with numbers. Counting the seconds it took someone to text back became a new hobby. Just like paying attention to the ticking of clocks.

"Ah, finally" he sighed with his thick italian accent and gently pushed me inside by my shoulders. "Ive been waiting for you. I assume Rain has already told you what's going on?" Copia asked and walked me to the middle of the Victorian looking room. A thick wine red carped covered the floor, a very dark brown - nearly black - wallpaper covered old stone, the space had no windows, no source of light except a golden chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. Bookshelves stuffed with white boxed covered the walls and in the middle was nothing more than a simple desk and two simple chairs, one on each side.

"You got my test back." I spoke and reflexively cracked my knuckles.

"Exactly. Now, please take a seat"

I did as he said and let myself fall onto a soft fabric, rich like probably everything in this building. Copia took the chair on the opposite side of the desk and opened a drawer I couldn't see.

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