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I felt Sodo slightly stir in my arms as the awakening morning pulled on my sleep. It forced me out of a rare soft dream, back to ugly reality. One more moment. Please. The image of me and him having a happy future was too good to let go of. In that moment I wished to hold onto this dream a little longer, even if it were just a few seconds.

But the daily pills called, waiting to be taken. I knew I had to embrace reality, no matter how ugly it seemed. Fuck.

With a groan, I opened my eyes and took in the dark room. Only a few sunbeams escaped the blinds into the room. But not anywhere near enough for us to not be needing electricity. Or candles.

The limp body in my arms belonged to my boyfriend — I still could barely believe that he was mine — who still snoozed calmly in my arms. Maybe it was the last calm night we ever had. He didn't know what was coming but I did. Today was the day we prepared the real plan. And the training began.

No one except the emeritus Brothers, Sister, Nik, and me knew that yesterday was the last rehearsal before the fight. The last time picking up a guitar, maybe even forever. I was scared. Beyond scared, if I were honest. But hiding was no use. Running away only brought us closer to our enemy. We had no choice.

Sodo slightly stirred in his sleep, turning around as he sought a new comfortable position. He was now facing me, the tips of our noses touching. His breath kissed my neck at regular intervals, telling me he was still alive. I'm still alive. That's a big still. I hated having to waste so many thoughts on death and the future. I hated feeling my mind drift off and seeing the pictures of... of... my friends dead.

Tears burned my eyes and I shook my head, hoping those thoughts and disgusting pictures would just fall out of my head. My breath was shaky as I inhaled and exhaled. And inhaled and exhaled again. Make it stop, please.

I squeezed Sodo close to my body, only to make sure it was him and I held him and we were both okay. He looked so peaceful. But his eyes flickered open and watched me. Saw the reflection of himself in my glossy pupil. A warm tear made its way from my eye and landed with a quiet sound on the mattress. A sound I shouldn't be hearing but still I did. My Phoenix blood maybe? It made me hear too much in certain situations.

"What's wrong?" his concerned voice asked me. Not really something I wanted to hear in the morning. Not in connection to my condition. But then again it showed that he cared. One of the million things I loved him for.

I shook my head and sat up. "Nothing" a lie. But it was too early in the morning. The shock would come later anyways so I wanted to enjoy the few hours — or minutes — of peace we had left.

"You know you can tell me" he whispered and sat up as well. His body rested against mine like 2 days ago, 3 days ago, 4, 5, 6 days ago. Since four weeks. And each day the world seemed to fade away more.

"I know," I say and force a smile onto my lips as my gaze met his. Those familiar crimson-red eyes calmed me down more than anything else on this planet. More than Tony's arms, more than my own father. Such simple action did so much to my body and he didn't even know.

Sodo sighed and kissed my cheek before climbing out of bed. I watched how his biceps tensed as he stretched. How his muscles moved in sync with his body. Everything about him seemed so fucking perfect. His hair looked a little fuzzy, his gestures sleepy. One leg of the pajama pants was rolled up over his knee, revealing smooth grey skin. My eyes wandered up and down his slim figure. A dark outline of my boyfriend's body in the flickering dim candlelight. He walked over to the light source and extinguished the flames by moving his hand a few inches above the heat across them. The first time I had seen him use his powers. Fire manipulation. The flames danced around Sodos fingertips for another three seconds then just.. disappeared. I watched carefully and didn't even dare to blink to not miss any movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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