Late night walks

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„You never know, maybe someone moved into it" Per said. „Who the actual fuck would move into a church. Thats creepy." „to be honest, i doubt that it's that creepy. It would mostly be the noises like the creaks that would freak me out."

It felt comforting but also weird to know that the person you just talked about that you're falling for them is walking right next to you.

„Dude im so glad that you're here" I broke the awkward silence. „Why" he laughed. „Cause I was so scared. It might seem childish but I swear. The way the cool wind randomly gets more and makes the trees look like some spooky ghosts. Okay it sounds very immature but it just felt so weird. I don't know what it was but there was someone standing in the window of the church. It wasn't looking at me but it felt like this someone knew that I was looking at them. And as soon as I continued to walk, it felt like a person was following me. A person like a shadow and I really hope that it wasn't you"

Pers pov

„And I really hope that it wasn't you" „it definitely wasn't me. I came from the left, there" I pointed to the street before the church. As I turned around there was a head ducking behind a bush and I knew exactly who it was. Next to the leaves laid a banana skin. »oh this whore, I'm gonna kill him as soon as I'm home«

„Please don't tell me you saw something" y/n said with a scared tone. I was used to walking in the dark alone, but I think I'm not as creeped out because I know how do defend myself? Or maybe because I'm a Ghoul? Should i even feel this kind of feeling towards a human? It was like a spell they put on me. But if it really was the case, i definitely didn't mind. Actually it was the whole opposite, i wanted this spell never to end.

„are you okay?" I asked with a concerned face. It genuinely surprised me that they were so scared of walking alone in the dark.

„Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine"

They lied. I could tell.

„Don't lie to me y/n. Your face says something different." „it's just-" Y/n stopped and i nearly bumped into them. „Oh sorry" I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. „Don't be" They turned their head away from me so that I wasn't able to see their face. Guilt rising in me as their voice cracked like they would be crying. „Y/n?"

Y/ns pov

„Y/n?" He sounded worried. I turned my head away so he wouldn't see the transparent liquid running down my cheek. The memories came back, how I was alone with Justin. Just us two. I trusted him. The sky was clear and it was a rather cold summer night, just like tonight. The moans that came out of Emilys and Justins mouths mixed with cries that scratched my insides.

„Hey, i know we only know each other for three days but you can talk to me anytime." i felt his warmth. »he must be really close. Holy shit what do i do« seconds later I froze. Per put his arms around my stomach from behind, pulled me closer and laid his head on my shoulder. I felt his warm breath in my neck. The safe feeling came back but also the tingling in my stomach. I was freaking out on the inside. The person i confirmed to be in love with not even thirty minutes before just hugged me from behind and it was the best feeling you could ever imagine. It felt so comforting. His smell rose to my nose and it was even better than i remembered.

I quickly wiped my tears away and turned around to face Per but also braking away from the hug. „Thank you, it helped a lot." a smile resting on my lips. „Just know that if you're alone somewhere and you feel uncomfortable, call me and ill be there as fast as i can. Even if you're at home and just feel like talking to someone."

His voice was so calming and those few words words made my heart jump in happiness. „Really?" „of course. But now lets go, ill go with you if you're okay with that" he offered and of course i accepted. Just the feeling having Per next to me, makes me feel less anxious. It's weird. Should i even feel that comfortable around someone i just met three days ago?

„We're here" i said as i pulled out my keys. „This one?" Per looked at the a little bit bigger house. Two floors, a lot of windows and build in a more dark ish style. Lights were still on in Luigi's room but also in the kitchen. „Jup. Thank you by the way" „id do it again. As i said, just call me."

I smiled at him but before i could put the key in the keyhole, the door opened and my oldest brother pulled me in a warm, short hug. „Thank god nothing happened to you." He sighted after the embrace and cupped my face in his hands. „thank Per not god" Luigi looked up and Per just stood there, giving him a little awkward wave.

„So you're Per, am i right?" Livio asked, walking towards him. „Yes you are. And you arreee-" „Livio. Oldest brother" Per looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Y/n: „yup, a third one" i said while leaning against the doorframe. „But don't worry, there's no fourth one. Im the youngest and with that always the target" „come on shut up. You're definitely not always the target. Only sometimes." „see" Livio turned his head to Per again, a smile on his lips.

„Well, i better get going now. It was nice to meet you, Livio" my friend said and i started to walk towards Per to give him a hug. The fact that he didn't even had to do this but still did it made me really happy.

„Do you have a long way home?" i muttered while resting my head on his chest, listening to his not so calm heartbeat. It was rather fast but I didn't mention it. Livio already went inside after he said goodbye and left the door open for me. „Not really. Only about ten minutes from here." „and you're sure that you don't want to stay over? Im just asking because of something that happened in the past so yeah." Per was silent for a while before he spoke: „ill be safe, don't worry about me."

I broke away from the embrace even though i could've stayed like that for ages. But otherwise it would probably be weird or he'd think im weird and thats the last thing i wanted. As soon as i broke away, the warm feeling was gone. The wind got more and i shivered. „You better go inside now. I promise you ill text you as soon as im home"

After he saw me nodding he just said ,goodbye' and walked off.

Pers pov.

I just said goodbye before walking away. It probably seemed weird to just walk off but i had to. My head turned back to look at them once again but they're gone. Luckily because seconds later i felt my eyes turning red once again. »why am I the only one of us who can't really control how long I stay in my human form. It's so annoying.« My steps got faster as I remembered that I was still in a area where humans live. Hopefully no one saw me.

A/N: very long chapter coming tomorrow 🫣

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