Chapter 2

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She was hesitant but came over I extended a hand to help her up on the counter she excepted it and took a seat next to me

"so um what brings you here" I could tell that she was really nervous as she asked a question "that guy Vander brought me here he was going to patch up my wounds and give me a place to stay" She looks to be a little bit younger than me I couldn't tell by how much though "so you'll be staying with us" she sounded excited "I don't know I don't know if he's trustworthy" she grabbed one of my hands and held it in hers up to her chess "please stay the only one I can really talk to is my sister I don't really get along with the boys and I think it will be fun if you stayed" I looked at her surprise

"how can you be so trustworthy" she looked at me confused as I said those words "trustworthy? I don't know you seem pretty kind and sweet" she gave me a closed eyes my eyes as she said those words I looked way from her trying to hide my face "thanks I'll think about it like I said I know I'll be staying the night here because I can't walk" I felt something wrap around my neck I looked down and over at the girl to see that she was hugging me "yay I'm glad you're staying I sorry you're injured though" I looked at her surprised she just met me and now she's hugging me "yeah well you couldn't help it" I looked away from her as I put one of my hands on her's patting them

"all right kid I have the-" I looked up at him again he looks surprised but then smiled "Powder you're supposed to be in bed" I looked over at her to see that she was hiding behind me some "I know but I couldn't sleep so I just came up here for a drink" I reached one of my hands out and started to pat her head "she's fine she's been good company" I saw that made her happy and got a little closer to me hug me tighter "if you say so kid let me bandage you up and then I'll take it downstairs so you can rest" I gave him a simple nod as he came closer to us and started to wrap my legs

"what happened anyways that made this many injuries" I looked over at her and smiled "you don't need to worry about that now" I could tell that she was staring at the cuts and bruises on me "even I'm wondering how you got all these" I look back at the man not know if I should tell them "let's just say I was clumsy" I could tell that Vander I believe that what he said his name was didn't believe me too much "don't worry then I'll stick by your side" I looked away from her again trying to hide my face

"Powder what are you doing up here" I looked back over to my left to see someone else a girl with pink hair pale skin and blue eyes

"Vi" Powder let me go and got down off the counter and ran to the stranger "what are you doing up here you should still be asleep" I looked away from them as I look back at Vander Who was now patching up my other leg "I was just making a new friend" I could tell that she was looking at me I looked over for a split second "I see. what's your name" I looked at her not knowing what to do "her name is
(y/n) I found her earlier today she should be staying with us if she likes" I looked way from all of them not knowing what to do "I see" I felt something wrapped around me again

when I looked to see it was Powder I think they said her name was "I hope you stay" I put my hand back on top of her head patting it "maybe I don't know if I can trust any of you really"

It was hard for me to trust people especially when you don't know who you could trust my parents wasn't the nicest people they care for me but wasn't the nicest they had a lot of enemies and I mean a lot I had to learn from a young age how to escape them that's how I got a lot of my wounds from training or some shit like that so I built up this wall it won't come down easily for anyone well maybe not for everyone

I looked back at the girl she looks so happy and sweet I almost didn't hear Vander "Kid I need patch up your arms" I gave him my right arm as my left one was on top of Powders head "anyways Powder we should get to bed you still need some more sleep" for some reason I didn't want her to go I felt like I could trust her the only one that I could trust you "please stay" my voice was a whisper but I could tell that she heard me "i'll be fine Vi don't worry I'll go back to bed once (y/n) wounds are taken care of" I looked at her and gave her smile I was glad that she was staying "all right then don't be too long though"

Vi I think that what Powder said her name was went back in that room as I got closer to Powder "all right kid I need your left arm now" I removed my left hand from Powder's head and gave him it "thanks for staying" my voice is still only a whisper but I could tell that she heard me "of course I don't mind" for some reason I felt like I could trust her she was just too kind and sweet very sweet "so kid do you want to stay here with us" I looked at Vander then I looked back at Powder "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try"

AU#1 what happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now