Chapter 84

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After we finish packing moonshine's bag we took him to Caitlyn's house it was a little bit early but I wanted to talk with her mother

"Moon it's good to see you" I gave Caitlyn's father a smile "It's good to see you too sir I just wanted to see how you all been" he stepped aside letting us in "i've been doing good little one I see you have some new with you" I gave him a smile as Wildflower stood close to me "yes sir this is my girlfriend" he reached out his hand for wildflower to shake "it's nice to meet you I'm Tobias Kiramman Caitlyn's dad" Wildflower was hesitant but took his hand "nice to meet you I'm Powder" he looked at me then at her "Powder River she's not from here" he nodded his head as he waved his hand telling us to follow him "I forgot people normally introduced themselves with their first and last name so if anyone up here ask for your name just say Powder Rivers to be honest that was the only thing that came to mind" she nodded her head as we followed Caitlyn's father into the living room

"Moon what a surprise" I gave Caitlyn's mother a smile as we sat down "yes well I know we're a bit early Caitlyn said that Zepher could spend the night with her but I also wanted to talk to you" she sat her tea down as she looked at me "really and what did you want to talk about" I took a deep breath as I put both of my hands in my lap "you see Miss while I was down in the undercity there was a slight problem it's fixed and everything well almost" I took another deep breath as I explained "you see someone was down there threatening to start war I was able to stop it but it was at a cost" I looked away from her not looking her in the eyes "and what would be the cost dear" I looked at her slightly as I let out a nervous laugh "you see I had to promise him that I'll talk to the counselor to see if we can make a deal with him" I could tell that she was confused "and what deal would we be making" I close my eyes for a second taking a deep breath once I open my eyes I looked at her "the deal is that Piltover well leave the undercity alone no more enforcers will go down there that they will have freedom to do what they want of course there are going to be some rules but those are gonna be from the hound they have the same opportunities as us basically how I can put is there like a trading partner or a land that were in contact with"

"Moon what you are saying is this person wants freedom that no more enforces well go down there we won't be in charge of the undercity and they're free to do whatever they want" I took a deep breath as I nodded my head "yes ma'am that's exactly what he's wanting I was able to convince him that starting a war wasn't a good idea and I can talk to you about this to see what we can do I know you'll be the most reasonable one to talk to about this I told you about my life down in the underground how life was like for me and for other people down there how we got blamed for stuff we didn't do how there is constant fighting but we were all kind of like a family you know when it came to the enforcers we stood the beside one another we would help people down there of course it came with a price and of course some people could be cruel and selfish but when it really came down to it we could rely on each other" she gave me a nod as she picked up a tea again and took a sip

"tell me Moon how was he going to start war" I took another deep breath "he created something it's like a drug steroids if you well it makes the person that take this drug stronger that thing could honestly take out a lot of enforces you can see purple veins going through it's muscles it change the person appearance and like I said it's strong it could easily rip off someone's head I don't even know what bullets would do to it I don't know if they would do anything to be honest I was able to get him to stop it though to not do it as long as the undercity is free I told him there's no certainty in this and I know if we don't make this deal he could easily take out Piltover"

Caitlyn's parents looked at me surprised "then we have to strike back if that thing is as strong as you say" Caitlyn's father went over to Miss Cassandra "my dear please" Caitlyn's mother sat back down as Tobias looked at me "Moon can't you handle the thing" I was about to speak before wildflower spoke up "no way she can if it wasn't for her magic to heal her I think it would've killed her I couldn't even see the damage due to her magic but from what Hugo her old brother said that thing broke her ribs smashed her head in that thing basically threw her around like a rag doll I..." I put my arm around wildflower pulling her close to me "hey that's all right I'm still here and like I said they heal pretty quickly and it didn't kill me" she just hide her head in my chest "mama would've died by that things hands Vander he was there with mama mama wouldn't let him fight though she put a force field and he said that that thing basically almost threw her around like a ragdoll mama was able to keep fighting though but she couldn't do that much damage if mama didn't have her healing abilities she would be gone" Zepher crawled over to me as he basically snuggled into my side I put my arm around him as well as I rubbed his back trying to calm both of them down

"I see so this is bad you said you were able to stop it right" I nodded my head as I took a deep breath "yes ma'am I was able to stop him like I said we made a deal I just need to talk to the other councilmembers about this I know you're one of the most reasonable ones I can talk to that's one of the reason why we didn't come up earlier I found Zepher like in day but I wasn't able to come up because one we basically fell sleep there I was with my old family again we just got caught catching up they helped me find Zepher we all fell asleep so me Caitlyn and Zepher could be energizing get back up here quicker we were going to leave the next morning but we found out that thing was by the elevator so we couldn't get back up I didn't want to risk Caitlyn or Zepher's life's so we stay down there for a couple more days I fought the thing off by myself but like they said if it wasn't for my healing ability I would've died and my head was smashed into the wall I got punched in the ribs pretty hard Hugo said that a couple my ribs were broken they would've punctured my heart if it wasn't for my healing ability I'm definitely not a human anymore I have magic and like I said my magic kept me alive but if that thing fought a human like I don't know like Miss Grayson Caitlyn or anyone up here they would be dead I was lucky I survived that I didn't pass out because of my healing ability that thing probably would've ripped my head off"

They both look down "we see I'll talk with the council see what we can do tomorrow if anything they might want to talk with the hound and this person you're speaking of is he a threat right now" I shook my head no "I don't believe so madame like I said I made a deal with him he seemed pretty tamed when we left he promised that he wouldn't do any more of his experiments with the drug nothing like that but I don't know if that's gonna last like I said if we don't make the deal if we don't let the underground go and let them have their freedom it's gonna be pure chaos" she stood up from her chair as she came over and patted me on the head

"you've never once lead me astray I still remember the first time I saw you you put the flower in my hair I still have that framed the flower" she put her hand underneath my chin to lift my head up "Moon i'm trusting you you're like a second daughter to me you became a part of this family along time ago so I am trusting in what you say I'll do what I can with the council I'll go talk with them you might be brought in as well tomorrow so you can give your side of the story again" I gave her an nod as she went to the kitchen "i'm gonna grab some more drinks Caitlyn is upstairs taking her break i'm gonna grab some more tea and it should help calm you all down after that you can leave Zepher here with us and you two can have a night out or spend the night together as long as you two don't do anything bad like setting a house on fire Moon" I started to laugh as she disappeared in the kitchen

"(n/n)" I looked at wildflower in the eyes "yes my love" she just wrapped her arms around my neck "I love you please don't die on me" I pulled her closer to me as she put her head in the crook of my neck as I put my head on top of hers "I don't plan on it and I love you too"

AU#1 what happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now