chapter 31

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For the rest of the day we spent talking and getting to know one another they were actually kind of nice plus they were funny

The next day when I woke up both of them barged into my room to make sure I was awake it kind of reminded me of Mylo and Ekko a little how they used to do the same thing if I was still the only one sleeping they were barged into the room and wake me up it brought a smile to my face remembering that

We went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat the first few days will be spent just relaxing and getting to know one another so we can make group of friends and who we will mostly be spending time with or just training with

Zoe was skipping in front of me and Zero we couldn't help but laugh at her child actions but it felt nice when we got to the cafeteria we all looked around to see a table open we all shrugged our shoulders and was heading over to sit down until I noticed out the corner of my eye a little kid judging by his yellow eyes he was the werewolf I believe they said that he was around five-year-old I noticed three females were over there talking to him he didn't look happy

"you to go on ahead I'll be back" they both stopped to see what I was looking at both of them just shrugged her shoulders and walk to the table as I went to the werewolf

I stood right beside the little kid and slammed my hand in front of him "how about you back off" the girls jumped a little bit but calm down once they saw the symbol on my outfit "it's the Piltover girl" I heard one of them whisper the leader of the group just rolled her eyes "what are you gonna do you're a peacekeeper everyone knows Piltover for that why are you even here" I just shook my head with a little smile on my face I put my hand up doing a circle motion they all looked confused as I hit my palm on the circle setting a crystal flying at them "be aware I much stronger than I look that being said you don't leave this kid alone I will explode your fucking arm off" the leader just rolled her eyes and walked away

I looked beside me seeing the kid still a little terrified in a way he kind of reminded me of my wildflower "hey kid it's all right" he looked up at me a little bit nervous "do you want to come join me in those two idiots" I pointed at Zero and Zoe he seemed a little bit more nervous but agreed I hold out my hand for him to take to lead him over he was hesitant but took my hand

I let him over to the table with the two idiots they looked impressed but a little worried "Moon you know that's dangerous right" I looked at Zoe confused as I took my seat "wait Moon do you not know who that was" I shook my head no "well that was the person that's in charge of this place daughter you through that crystal at" I just raised an eyebrow "well girl has a stick up her ass then" the little kid started to laugh a little bit making me smile "so little one what's your name" he seemed a little bit nervous at my question "it's all right you don't have to give us your actual name hell I didn't give them my real name I just gave them my last one so" I could tell that he was still a little bit nervous he started his shift around in his seat "I don't have a last name to give you or anything like that" he seemed like a sweet kid

I looked the kid up and down thinking of something "all right then we'll just come up with definite names to call you moonshine until you're ready to give us your actual one" he looked at me surprised but I just gave him a smile "this is gonna be so fun anyways I'm Zoe this is my twin brother Zero and the one that brought you over here is Moon we don't know her first name because we wasn't paying attention when they called it for her room so we just call her Moon" I gave the kid a slight nod as Zero waved at him "anyways like I was saying earlier what do you think will be doing today I know they're mostly just gonna be relaxing but that's kind of gets boring"

Before they could answer my question that girl the leaders daughter came up behind me "you there" I thought my head looking her up and down "what do you want prick" she pointed at the symbol on my chest "it's bothering me go change" I only shook my head now as I turned around "sorry doll not gonna happen" I could tell that she was mad but I don't give a flying fuck "I said go change you don't see anyone else with a symbol on them so stop breaking around your richness and go change" she turn my seat around making me face her I thought back to what the council said do not embarrass them and to behave and follow orders I looked at Zero with a smile "hey do you perhaps have another shirt in your room that I could borrow" he looked at me confused but gave me a nod "great because Miss stick up her ass isn't gonna leave me alone until I change I can only tell" I got up from my seat as Zero did the same "yeah I should we are around the same height anyways come on I'll take you up there"

I gave him a kind smile as I grabbed the hymn of my shirt and took it off leaving me in my bra I gave the girl the middle finger as I walked with Zero to get the shirt

Once we were out of sight and ears shot of them we just started laughing "oh my I was not expecting you to take off your shirt" I only gave him a smile as I kept my head up "yeah I was thinking about just sitting there with my shut off but I decided for the decency for the kid I might as well just get another shirt and thanks for letting me borrow one of your" Zero just shook his head "no need I really don't mind we're around the same size anyways but why can't you just get one of yours" we both calmed down from our laughter as we heard running "all of my clothing has the Piltover symbol you know so even if I did pick one of mine I'm just gonna get yelled at by her she was already giving me a headache" I looked down beside me to see the kid and at Zero side was Zoe

"Moon that was hilarious oh you should've seen the girls face you are definitely on her list she's not gonna make this easy for you" I put my hands behind my head as I kept walking "she can do whatever she wants she's not gonna get far I'm from the undercity remember I can take a punch plus she can't make fun of me if I have no shame"

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