Chapter 67

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"i'm gonna get you one of my shirts" Mylo went downstairs to grab me an extra shirt "so (e's/n) you can't die in other words" I looked at Ekko with a sad smile on my face "I guess yeah I can't we have put that through some test as well you know me getting hit by different stuff we even made a disease and put that in my bloodstream it was gone in like three weeks the crystals are keeping my body alive which is a good thing you know I can be as reckless as I want and don't have to deal with the consequences but at the same time it's scary you know I have literally died a few times in my life because of it but I always come back it's strange I also guess that's why the enforces wants me I am the best weapon you know they can send me to battle and not worry about me I can take down the other army by myself we have tested that too every single enforce got put on me and I was able to beat all of them with using my magic" I shook my head as Mylo handed me the shirt "thanks I'm gonna go put this on downstairs"

I threw the shirt over my shoulder luckily I did have my jacket off since this morning so it's still good

"(N/n)" I looked at my side to see wildflower "yeah what can I do for you" she grabbed me by the hand and started to head downstairs with me I just shrug my shoulders and followed her

once we got downstairs she pushed me on the couch and pointed to my chest "I...umm" I just shook my head as I took off the shirt that I had on "go ahead you can check out where she stabbed me your not gonna find anything though it's completely healed up no scar no trace of it" she sat on my lap and started to run her hand where Caitlyn stepped me "does it hurt" she looked at my eyes as I shook my head "no it doesn't like I said I got used to it you know with all those experiments that we did I actually almost cut off my arm for one of them it was an accident but I still did it" I could tell that she was worried as she looked down "wildflower look at me" I lift her head up as I gave her a quick kiss on the lips "i'm fine you couldn't even tell that those experiments happened I mean my body has no trace of it if anything it made my magic stronger since we did all those rapidly they heal my body a lot quicker and now with just a snap of my finger I can heal my body completely of course sometimes it does take me a while especially if I bust my head open or broken arm it takes me a minute but I will be fine"

she laid her head on my chest as she wrapped her arms around me "I'm sorry I know that little stunt I pulled up stay is scared you and scared everyone other than me Caitlyn and Zepher it's scared them the first time it's takes time to get used to it and I know it's scary thinking about it and getting used to it but" I looked up as I ran my hand through her hair "that's just what happens it becomes normal at some point sure like I said last night it's scary to go to sleep sometimes cause I'm not sure if I wake up but after a while it just becomes normal you know kind of like walking and talking becomes normal running you just have to except it I understand though that excepting it is difficult it took me years to actually except it so I understand that it's going to be difficult for a while" I look down to see her staring at me

"(n/n) promise me you won't do it again though just to prove a point" I gave her smile as I nodded my head "I promise" she pulled me down some and gave me a quick kiss on the lips again "well you should get that shirt on even though you look good without it" I gave her a smirk as I just pulled her closer to me "no I'm good but I do want to keep kissing you though" she only gave me a smile as she put her arms around my neck "well I'm not stopping you"


Powder went upstairs to get something to drink as I just laid on the couch I had the shirt that Mylo gave me on so I wasn't in a bloodstained one anymore I put my arm over my eyes as I took in a deep breath

"(y/n) you all right down here" I sat up a little bit to see Vander "yeah I'm fine why" he just gave me a look as he looked back upstairs "because for some reason Powder has bruises on her neck do you know anything about that" I just shook my head as I sat out properly "aren't we passed this point in our lives I'm pretty sure all of us are you know you ask us if we did something and you know we did it and we try to lie to you saying we didn't and we all know we're gonna be lying so aren't we passed it" he crossed his arms as he gave me a smile "no we are not" I got up from the couch as a grab my jacket "then I have no clue why she has hickeys- sorry bruises on her neck" we both started to laugh as I noticed the bag by "so what's the bag for" I pulled out one of my cigarettes and lit it up as Vander handed me the bag "I was hoping that you'll come with me to Benzo's store I need to drop those off" I threw the bag of my shoulder as I held the cigarette between my two fingers "sure thing I better go with you because if I don't I'm pretty sure Vi is going to be the end of me"

He just shook his head as we both went upstairs "we'll be back later and no I'm not explaining shit" I looked directly at Vi as I just walked out the door

"you know she's gonna kill you when you get back right" I just shrug my shoulders as I blew out the smoke from the cigarette "she can try it she's not gonna get far I'm a living punching bag at this point I can't die I prove that earlier" he just shook his head as he pointed to my pocket "can I have one of your cigarettes not the one you gave me last night though" I gave him a smile as I pulled out the first ones I have tried "yeah sure hear those ones only has like I want to say jalapeño crust in them they don't have all the spicy stuff really you should be fine with that one" I pulled out my lighter so I could lit the cigarette "thanks I kind of left my pipe at the bar" I only looked at him as I put my lighter back to my pocket and pulled out my pipe "here you can borrow mine then"  he grabbed my pipe giving me the unlit cigarette back "I forgot you had this you sure you don't mind me using it" I just shrug my shoulders as I put out my cigarette "I don't care trust me I shared that thing with four other people I really don't care I'll just clean it afterwards"


Once we got to Benzo's store we saw that it said closed "lazy bastard" I open the door up seeing him just sit at the counter reading "we're closed" I put my hand on my hip as Vander walked in "then open up" he looked over at us "for good" I just scoff "come on lazy bastard get up you have nothing better to do" I walked over throwing the bag on the counter as we all started to laugh "anyways what's this" I shrug my shoulders as Vander stood beside me "just some old stuff we don't need anymore" Benzo nodded his head as he looked at the pipe that Vander had "so what is your old pipe in here because that one isn't it I can tell by the gold markings" Vander shook his head as he put out my pipe and handed it back to me "nah it's (y/n) she let me borrow it" Benzo looked me up and down as I put the pipe back in my pocket "you smoke" I only gave him a smile as I pulled out my cigarettes "yep do you want to try one" I pulled out the ones that I gave Vander last night "sure what's the harm" I handed him the cigarette as Vander shook his head "trust me that is nothing you have ever tried before it will burn your insides" Benzo look at him confused as I lit up the cigarette "come on dude can't be that bad did you try" Vander only nodded his head yes as Benzo brought the cigarette up to his lips

of him breathing in the cigarettes for a few seconds before he started to cough repeatedly "ok what the fuck is that" I just smiled as I handed him the packet showing him the ingredients "that is just my mild I have one that's even hotter than that is the one I smoke when I really need to calm down or I just need a break" they both just looked at me like I was insane "how do you smoke this and where the fuck did you get them" I took the package back form Benzo "I get them for my older brother Hugo he's a demon and I've been smoking these since I was 16 you get used to it over a while"

AU#1 what happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now