Chapter 72

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"you see it started a long time ago I had a plan on how to get us free from Piltover's control we would be respected he didn't like my plan we bigger about it for days in the end he tried to kill me he tried to drowned me I lost part of myself that day I got free I grab the dagger that was on his side on his belt and I dug it into his arm I ran away from him then save my own life he was a coward" I leaned back in the set as I listen to him tell me the story "your stories adds up he told me the exact same thing except a little different but they're basically the same" I stood up from the set

I cross my arms "answer me this though did you even think about the human life's you'll be sacrificing if you went through with your plan I'm assume that the creature I fought was your plan" he sat back in his chair as he put out his cigar "that would be correct it's a little enhancement Piltover would have feared us but yet he was a coward" I shook my head as I stood in front of him "tell me this did you even think about what the consequences could be from you doing that the people that you would have probably killed the people that you would have turned into those things how would they would've felt how dangerous it was"

He tried to stand up but I didn't allow him "I don't think you thought about your plan" he just rolled his eyes as the guy that Zero had pinned spoked up "easy for you to say Piltover feared your family your family went in brute force" I started to laugh as I shot a crystal at the guy shutting him up "you know nothing about my family because that's not what happened" both of them looked at me confused as I started to walk around the place "no it wasn't because we didn't go in be brute force it is because we were smart my family had different technology if you will stuff that Piltover couldn't get their hands on they feared us because of what we could do sure maybe our strength was a part of that but that's not why they feared us it was because of where we originated from where my bio family originated from" I could tell they were confused as I picked something up

"technically all our pieces with the crescent moon has it in it one drop of the blood it's just so happen though that my family my blood family my father and me have the original blood in us that makes them so afraid" I turned to look at them as I put my hands behind my back "so now you're planned with going in brute force changing people wouldn't have worked maybe would have but you have to think about the consequences judging by how Deckard looks more week then unusual he's the one I fought I knew I recognized that thing did you even think about the effects it could have on his health" he was about to speak before I shot a crystal by his head "I don't think you did think about his health because if you did you wouldn't have went through with your plan imagine yourself being in his shoes how would you feel changing into that thing being forced to fight or even better how would you feel if that thing took a dark turn and killed you instead of helped you answer me that Silco"

I stood in front of him again this time with both of my hands on the chair blocking his path "I haven't thought about that we tested the thing and it seem to be fine but answer me this if it wasn't because your family went in brute force then why was Piltover so afraid of your family" I push my hand off of the chair knocking it back "i'll ask you a question have you ever heard about the gods do you know the ones that had magical powers the one that is in different places you know the snow beast god the fire god all of them" he nodded his head as I pulled out my mothers necklace "it's just so happens that the crescent moons that my family has has the blood of the moon goddess in them not to mention" I gave him a deviant smile

I messed with the necklace as I held it up to my eye "my family my grandfather my father and me has the moon goddess's blood in us so that means we're a lot stronger than the rest of well the moon clan plus normal people combine that with my magic from hextech that I absorbed in a explosion and I survived it I would have survived that explosion either way without me absorbed the magic it was just easier for me to absorb it because of my family's history being related to the moon goddess" I took my necklace back my shirt as I looked back at him "so you tell me what's would you be more afraid of that thing you created or a gods descendent" I lean forward giving him a smile "which one would you rather face in a fight"

He sat there speechless as I just smiled "wait a moment I thought that the moon clan normally" I shook my head as I looked up at the ceiling "painted our faces we did yeah we used to have markings on her arms legs torso chest stomach neck and face that we painted on you guys called it warpaint we did it out of respect since I am the last one of the moon clan my face would still be painted but I don't have it anymore the stuff we use to paint our faces it's back at my old home I'm the only one that knows how to get there the only one that knows how to open the place I haven't felt right going back couldn't either for years can't even be down since I was 11 because of the explosion and the deal I made but I am back now I just don't feel right going back home knowing what happened that day on the bridge why my family was defeated everything was in the underground favor sure they got the help of the moon clan normally if Piltover saw us they would have surrender immediately but that night wasn't in our favor" I put my hands behind my back as I took in a deep breath

"so why did you come here in the first place was it just to get that information" I looked over to him giving him a smile "you could say that I also came here for Vande's sake he feels bad about what he did he regrets it he wish he could've worked things out differently with you you know talked it through then trying to drowned you he knows I'm here now talking with you he didn't even stop me he gave me one of your old shirts he has a bunch of your stuff in a pile apparently he just could never get rid of them that's how we found you my son he's a werewolf he was able to track you down by your scent but I basically just came here to get clarification on what happened that day and I wanted to see if you two could work something out" he looked at me confused as I sat back down in the seat in front

"listen I might be able to get the council to leave the undercity alone no more enforces will come down here me and two other people are trying to make this place livable you know no most toxic water no more toxic air this place could actually be livable I might be able to do something since I'm held in high regards in Piltover because of my magic I'm good friends with the leader of Piltover since I was there since I was 11 I grew up in Piltover because of the deal I mentioned before to sum up the deal it was basically just to keep my friends that I was with that day safe we try to rob one of the scientists that I live with now that takes care of me after the explosion you see there was an incident that day that blowing up his apartment trapped me inside the explosion that's how I got my magic I was able to make a deal with them saying that I'll stay and basically become a lab right for those two scientists that study hextech I grew up in Piltover because of that and I'm held in high regards because of it people see me as a symbol for magic and all that stuff I am able to heal any disease I could even heal your eye"

he touched right underneath his eye as he looked at me "and what do I have to do to get you to do all this you know heal my eye and get the underground free from Piltover's rule and to make this place livable" I gave him a smile as I crossed my legs "all you have to do is talk with Vander come to an agreement you know you won't do you plan you will not create your army I'm going to get Vander to apologize for trying to drown you I just want you two to come to an agreement and not fight anymore if you can make that deal I'll try everything I can to get the underground free from Piltover's control"

I stuck out my hand as I gave him a small "do we have a deal Silco" he looked at my hand and then back at me "we have a deal"

AU#1 what happened Jinx/Powder x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now