Chapter 64

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For some reason I woke up in the middle of the night I haven't been able to go back to sleep yet  I decided that I will get up for now then probably head back to sleep later I moved wildflower off me so she was laying on the bed as I got up I made sure I didn't wake anyone up I went upstairs I made sure I grabbed Caitlyn's bag since I put most of my cigarettes and my pipe in there

"what are you still doing awake" I look forward to see Vander cleaning the bar "I could be asking you the same question" I put the bag on the counter as I sat down "couldn't sleep what about you" I gave him a smile as I grab the bag "same couldn't sleep I just woke up and I couldn't go back to bed so here I am" I was about to pull out my pipe as he held his in front of me "I remember me telling you when you turned 18 you can try it so" I only laughed as I pulled mine out "I did I tried it when I was 18 I had my friend come down and get one for me it is a acquired taste but I enjoy it" he's sparked his match and lit mine up "I don't know you smokes" I brought it up to my lips as I answered "yeah been smoking since I was 16 it's the only thing to calms my body down" he nodded his head as we both just started smoking

"so what cigarettes do you normally use or" I reached in my pocket grabbing out my favorite cigarettes "these you can try one if you want" we both put our pipes down after we were done with them and I pulled two of my favorite cigarettes out "i'm gonna warn you they are hot" I pulled out my lighter and let up the two cigarettes "please it can't be that bad" I only gave him a smirk as I inhaled my cigarette "if you say so" I watch as he inhaled the cigarette and immediately start coughing "what the fuck is in there" I started to laugh as I gave him the pack of cigarettes "I believe it would be some spices maybe some peppers that my friend crushed up I have no clue what he put in these at this point" kept looking at the package and then looking at me "how the fuck do you smoke this I fill my lungs burning" I inhaled more of my cigarette as I answered his question "you get used to it overtime I've been smoking this stuff since I was 16 your body adapts to it" he looked at me like I was crazy

"(N/n)" I looked over to the door to see wildflower half asleep "hey sorry did we wake you" she was still rubbing her eyes as she walked over to us "no but why are you up it's late" I only smiled as I gave her my hand "couldn't sleep I decided to have a quick smoke which turned into Vander try my cigarettes" she took my hand leading me helped her up so she could sit on my lap letting her lay her head on my shoulder "that is some dangerous stuff kid who makes these again" Vander pull out a ashtray so I can put out my cigarette "my friend Hugo well my older brother he's a demon remember he also let me drink some of his alcohol which has some very hot stuff in it feels like your stomach throat everything is on fire when you first drink it but after a while of you drinking it you get used to the taste" he just shook his head as I rubbed Powders back

"so how long have you been drinking again" I gave him a quick smile "16 I was talking with Hugo one night it was actually the first conversation we had that didn't end in him just pushing me away or rolling his eyes and walking away I scared him the day before because I used to much of my magic and I passed out but we were just talking and I was telling him about the deal and everything like that he got some of his alcohol out and let me have a few shots of it to calm down my nerves so I could actually talk about it" he nodded his head "all right but how did you scare him if you just passed" I put my head up as I close my eyes "if I use to much of my magic and I pass out my whole body will shut down my breathing my heartbeat it's like I'm dead again I feel my body going cold I feel dead but then I wake up after a while it's scary sure but you get used to it over time but that hasn't happened in a while but no I kind of scared him because he was coming into my room to wake me up to get something to eat since we were put in the same group when he came into my room and saw that I wasn't breathing he kind of freaked out since his older sister also died at the training camp in the exact same room I was in so he had flashbacks to that"

I put my head on Powder's shoulder as I hold her tight "it's been a while since I passed out because of my magic the glove I have keeps me from passing out it just gives me an extra energy boost of magic so nine times out of ten I won't pass out which is a good thing but it's still scary I guess that's why I couldn't sleep I'm scared I've been terrified I guess of feeling my body going cold again me not breathing I guess I'm just afraid" I close my eyes as I listen to my breathing

I felt a hand on my face make me open my eyes again "(n/n) you don't have to be afraid we're here with you" I smiled at her voice as I lift my head up "thanks wildflower but it's not that simple I'm just don't know i'm afraid of not waking up again it's terrifying" I let out a small laughing "I guess that's why I smoke it calms my body down and I don't get those thoughts it helps clear my mind that's why Hugo gives me them and he also gives me some with higher doses because of my thoughts" I put my head up again "even though smoking isn't healthy kid" I only laughed at Vander concern "you don't have to worry it doesn't affect my body all the harmful stuff that's cigarettes and alcohol do it doesn't affect me because of the crystals they always heal my body so I can smoke a drink how much I want I am still healthy" I let out a breath of air as a padded Powders side "we should head back to bed it's late and like I said I have a long day tomorrow" Powder nodded her head as she got up "all right" I waved good night to Vander as we went downstairs

"(N/n) you know you can talk to me right about anything" I looked down at my chest with a smile "I know wildflower I know it's just a lot going on maybe one day I can tell you everything I'm thinking but right now I don't even know how to put them into words" I pulled her closer to me with a smile on my face "except for one emotion I can put that in words" I heard her hmmm wanting to know "I love you wildflower" I close my eyes as I know she wasn't expecting that "I love you too (n/n)"

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