Chapter 71

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I went back downstairs to see everyone in their own little groups talking I looked around spotting whilflower sitting at the bar a sly smirk grew on my face as I went over to her I wrap my arms around her as I put my head on her shoulder as I heard her yelp "oh (n/n) you scares me" she put her hands on top of mine as I started to laugh "that was my plan but why are you sitting over here by yourself" she gave me a soft smile as she rest her head on mine "I was waiting for you" I gave her a kiss on her forehead as I stood up "(n/n) is everything all right" I gave her a soft smile as I nodded my head "yeah just thinking"

I shook my head as I turned around whistling catching everyone's attention "is everything ok little sis you only do that if somethings the matter or you have a plan so what's up" Hugo Zero Zoe and Zepher came to stand by me "yeah I have a plan and it involves you four" they all stood there as I turned to look at Vander "do you have anything with that guy we saw umm Silco scent on it like something he used to wear or something he had" he thought for a moment as he shook his hand a little "yeah I believe so I still have some of his old clothes why" I gave him a smile as I turned to my son "you think you can sniff that guy out if we give you his scent" he nodded his head "yep I can do that mama" I patted my son on the head as I turned back to look at Vander "can you get me something like his shirt or something we're going to go after that guy we saw" Vander was a little hesitant but got me when I asked for

"(y/n) you seriously can't be thinking of going after him I mean you came back with Hugo having to carry you" I gave my sister a smile as I put a hand on her shoulder "don't worry about me this time I have them with me plus it will be safer for us to go then anyone else we're not human that means it's harder for us to get injured even if we do I can heal us" Caitlyn look down at the ground as I lifted her head up
"don't worry about us if things get to the point we can't handle it Zoe will teleport us right back here all right she has a connection with you so as long as you stay out of harms way and you stay here we'll teleport back here" she gave me a simple nod as Vander came out with an old shirt "here I keep this in a pile of his junk if you're really thinking about doing this just be safe" I gave him a smile as I took the shirt from him " I will you won't have to worry about me if things get to bad we'll teleport right back"

He gave me a simple nod as I went back over to wildflower "i'll be back in no time" she put her hand on my face as she smiled "just come back to me" I gave her a simple kiss as I stood back up "I will always come back to you no matter what no matter who is stopping me I will always find a way back to you" I gave her a simple smile as I went over and handing the shirt to my son "all right moonshine whenever you're ready"

He gave the shirt a whiff after he got the sent he threw the shirt on one of the chairs and started to run out the door "that's our cue" me Hugo Zero and Zoe ran after him to find out where this Silco guy is


After a while of running Zepher finally stopped "did you find him moonshine" I stood by my son as he transform back into his human form "yeah I found him mama he's in there" he pointed into the cave "I see can you tell if there's anyone else down there" he nodded  his head as he held up his fingers "yeah two other people males so three in total" I gave him a simple nod as I started to walk in the cave "come on now let's find these people"

When we went deeper into the cave it was beautiful to say the least at the very end where we were walking was a door "I'm judging that he's in there" I look to my moonshine as he nodded his head "all right you stay out here we'll headed in" he sat by the door as I put my hand on the door knob

"all right you three this is how it's gonna go down Hugo I'm gonna need you to corner one of the guys same thing goes for you two I'll handle Silco" they all gave me a sample nod as I open the door letting them go in before me


I could tell that that was Silco since I heard his voice before "sorry to barge in but we have to talk" I put my hands in my pockets as I walked in Hugo had Deckard behind a wall of fire as Zero had a sword to the other guy in the room throat "now we could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way I just came here to talk" he looked around at the situation then looked at me "and what's the hard way because judging by if this is the easy way I think I might be concerned for my life" I only smiled as I move a chair with my magic and made him sit "you should be the only reason why they have them cornered or a weapon to their throat is because I don't wanna how should I say this I don't want any incidence I'm just here to talk to you I don't need them to getting involved especially that one" I pointed at Deckard as I moved another chair to be in front of him as I sat down

"so the easy way is you answer my questions without a fight or I force it out of you or I just kill you either one really works for me" he looked me up and down as he sat back in the chair "depends what your questions are little girl I'll humor you" I only smiled as I leaned forwards "all I wanna know is what happened I got Vande's side of the story now I want yours basically all I'm asking is what happened between you two I'm not gonna tell you what he told me I just wanna hear your side of it" he looked at me confused as I sat up property pulling out a cigarette "and why would you wanna know something like that" I only smile as I put the cigarette to my lip as Hugo sent a little flame lighting my cigarette "that's very simple I want to know what happened you can't blame someone for being curious but I also wanna know who's in the right and who's in the wrong here my family never got involved with this situation I think you heard of my family the Moon clan"

he nodded his head as he pulled out a cigar "I have yes all of them died in that fight on the bridge" I shook my head as I blew out some of the smoke "no well I guess yes but at the same time no I'm the last one of my family left the daughter of the leader of the moon clan and his lady my family still isn't really dead we choose who to be part of the moon clan and so happens that Vander he's a part of that clan now since he took me in so I just want to know who is in the right and who is in the wrong here I know his side of the story but I would like to hear yours"

He looked me up and down has he shook his head "I guess there's no harm in telling you but what do I get in return for this information" I gave him a smile as I held out my hand in a matter of seconds Zero and Zoe gave me a weapon I mediately put it to his throat "your life if you give me the information you keep living but if I don't get this information I will cut your head off right here right now so you're ready to talk" he looked at the dagger then looked me in the eyes "fine I'll tell you what you want to know" I gave him a smile as I put the weapon down but still keeping it in my hand as I listen to what this guy had to say

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