Chapter 58

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I took in a deep breath as I put my hand on the door knob of the side door of our old hang out "come on it's gonna be fine" I took in a deep breath as I open the door I did have a cigarette before I got here so I had to put that out before I actually went in the building

I close the door behind me looking around the place it didn't look like anything changed I walked forward looking around the place none of my stuff has been moved the boxes of cans was still in the exact same place I had them it made me smile a little bit the only thing I could hear was heavy breathing and the sound of fighting signaling that Vi is here I look forward to seeing her on the platform she had tattoos her hair was shorter and buzz that the side I shook my head as I whistled catching her attention she was still in her fighting position as she looked at me

"who the hell are you" she was look me up and down as I started to chuckle "I remember when me little engineer and wildflower built that boxing machine for you" I looked at her only for a split second but then looked away and went to the firing range "I believe we made it on your 12th birthday I want to say I was getting quite tired of you threatening to punch Mylo and little engineer and wildflower had the idea to make you a boxing machine so I put Mylo's face on the plate I told you if you ever need to punch him or feel like it just hit the boxing machine" I ran my hand across the firing range where were we normally kept the toy guns "I made a joke that I should've put my face on there since you always hated me you never liked me and I don't know why I still don't" I looked up at her seeing the boxing gloves she had on fell to the floor as she stared  at me with wide eyes

"I do have a question though Vi did you give that necklace to wildflower you know which one I'm talking about right the silver one in the middle it says 'I love you' in 100 different languages I believe I said 'thought you might want to give that one to wildflower yourself you know put up the illusion that you found them gave me one and then give your sister one to give her the illusion that you actually like me and I'm not some tool for you' something around that I believe" I stood at the edge of the firing range

look at her one last time waiting for her to say mine name "(y/n)" once she says my name I look down taking in a sharp breath "hey Vi it's been a while I know I survived the explosion surprisingly" I push my hand off of the counter of the firing range and went to the stairs "I know you probably don't want to see me I understand that but I have to know why didn't you like me back then it always puzzled me why you didn't like me it's just seems like you always hated me since the first day I arrived"

I stood by the edge of the stairs as she held her arms "I didn't want you to take Powder away from me stupid I know ever since you arrived she leaned on you she didn't need me anymore you took the role of being her protector I guess I didn't want you taking my sister away from me I didn't know how to handle it in a healthy way so I acted like I hated you" she start to walk to the stairs " i'm sorry (y/n) I know you hate me you have every right to I'm not gonna say you shouldn't hate me I did so many awful things to you I never realized it until after the explosion happened the reality of you being gone sunk in I didn't realize it until after everything I'm so sorry I should never have took anything out on you you have every right to hate me you were a kid one year older than Powder and yet I treated you like an adult or a teenager or someone around my age when reality you were no older than Powder I'm a horrible person I know that I've been trying to get better but...." she stopped when she was on the third step down in front of me "I know I'm probably talking to myself that you're probably just a ghost I've seen you in my dreams it's exactly like this I'm saying sorry I didn't mean it I'm trying to explain but I never could because I know there's no forgiving what I've done to you.... and-"

Before she could even finish I took a step forward pulling her into a hug "you're not dreaming Vi I promise you that I'm here I'm actually alive I'm sorry I never came back sooner I guess we both just need to sit down and talk though and explain everything to each other so why don't we do that" I pulled away as she looked at me surprised "why don't we just sit down and talk one on one no arguing no blaming each other no nothing we just talk and see why we did what we did back then" she nodded her head as she took a seat on the stairs

"I guess I should start" I took a seat next to her has she put her head up "like I said I didn't want you taking Powder away from me Powder was the only blood family I had left I guess I thought you being there met you were taking her away for me that I wouldn't see my sister again when in reality it was the opposite sure Powder wouldn't come to me for help but it was because she didn't want to worry me I was already dealing with a lot so she went to you she explained it to me after the incident about how she always went to you because she didn't wanna bother me with stupid shit I mean she didn't wanna bother you either but" I started to laugh as I leaned on the back of the stairs "she came to me knowing that I was willing to help with stupid shit even if she thought it was stupid I didn't because she was the only one I would get close to at the beginning she was the only one that I would let myself be me around at the beginning I guess I felt like I could be who I truly was with her and she wouldn't judge me knowing what shit I got into she stay by my side she thought the same way I know that we could trust one another that we won't judge each other I always had walls built up because of how I was raised I was able to put them down around her that's why I always stuck around her she was my anchor the one person I could be myself around"

Vi started to fiddle with her fingers as she laughed nervously "yeah she told me that she said that you two felt an instant connection between each other I never understood that until after the incident how much she really needed you and how much of an ass I was being I'm sorry for the way I treated you (y/n) I know there's no excuse that I know you probably hate me for it" I started to laugh as I shook my head "nah I don't hate you for it I actually figure all this stuff out on my own after the incident it took me a while but I was able to understand it understand the reason why you act the way you did you thought getting rid of me would give you your sister back but in reality you always had her but you felt threatened that I was getting close to her I figured all this out after a few months I was able to figure it out to be honest we both went through something traumatic you've seen your parents laying dead on the floor wildflower was the only family member you had left so you acted the way you did to protect her I understand that so I don't hate you Vi I really don't I understand and I forgave you a long time ago for the shit you put me through I just wanted to hear you say it I guess why are you did it see if I actually correct" I sat back up properly as she looked at me surprise

"i'm glad.... I'm wondering when I wake up though" I just looked at her with a tired face I moved my hand up and smacked her in the back of her head making her go forward a little bit "you tell me did that feel like a dream" she had her hand on the back of her head as she looked at me surprised "no" I gave her a smile as I stood up "therefore you're not dreaming I survived Vi i'm not going anywhere I don't plan on dying for a long time so stop with all the shit you being asleep because I will keep smacking you until you believe your awake" she started to laugh as she stood up "all right all right I believe you I'm not dreaming"

she stood in front of me with a smile on her face "I do have a quick question though" I crossed my arms as I looked at her "shot" she looked me up and down "how fucking tall are you" I started to laugh knowing that was come "I'm 6'1" she looked at me surprised as she put both of her hands up "nope I don't believe you and Mylo are the same height" I just started to laugh even more "I haven't even seen him or Claggor yet I have seen Ekko Vander Benzo and Sevika no one else yet" she just shook her head as she grab her jacket and threw it on "well then why don't we head back to the last drop and see everyone else I would suggest we go to Powder but I don't know where she is she won't even tell me where she lives anymore" I put my hands in my pockets as I walked forward some "I heard Vander told me that she won't tell anyone where she lives I'm thinking I can find her but there's someone I want to see before I go see her and he should be at the last drop now" Vi gave me a quick nod as we both started heading to the last drop


Vi's key charm

Vi's key charm

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