Day 39 - Hospital

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Kise and Kuroko were immediately at the hurt puppy's side while Hissori and Tetsuya were standing next to each other, watching, one with a fearful expression, the other with an angry one.

Then, Tetsuya barked, talking to Hissori.

"Who said that a human has done this? He might've gotten in a fight with another dog..."

Hissori shrugged before starting to walk in the injured puppy's direction. "Let's ask then."

Meanwhile Kise and Kuroko were wondering what to do. Should they take the animal to a hospital or home or... What?

"I think an animal hospital is the best option, Kise-kun. We don't know what to do to treat the injuries."

"Yeah but... What if we make something worse by moving it more? Or if it starts fighting us? Or the doctors think it's our fault? Or... I don't know!" Kise was panicking now.

"They won't think anything like that, we have two other puppies with us, healthy and unharmed. And we can't just leave the poor animal like that. Come on!"

Kuroko lifted the puppy in his arms, calling little Tetsuya and starting for the nearest animal hospital he knew, Kise and Hissori walking behind him.

"We'll ask him later then." Hissori barked to a worried Tetsuya. "See if a human or another animal did this."

Tetsuya just ignored the other puppy walking next to Kuroko and looking up at him and the injured animal he carried. What if Hissori was right? He couldn't be, right?

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now