Day 19 - Love for food

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Tetsuya was a healthy puppy. He played with his humans, did exercises, kept himself clean, didn't eat too much or too less. He lived his life perfectly, did everything so as to grow up and be a big and strong dog.

But he still needed his food. He loved lunch and dinner time. He also loved the dog treats that he sometimes won or received (mostly bribes but he wasn't really complaining).

Still, he knew a person with appetite who no one could beat.

The Tree.

(Well, technically his name was something with Mur... Dunno, it was way too long for a normal name in the puppy's opinion. Also, this human was a tree! Have you seen his height?)

So yeah, the Tree. He was weird. Wasn't very energetic but still liked playing with little Tetsuya. And always gave him some treats. Little Tetsuya didn't complain.

The Tree even let the pup try some of the food that the other humans never gave him (and then the other humans yelled at the boy. Why though? Most of the time the food was yummy).

The games they played were always one sided though. Either Tetsuya was doing all the playing or the Tree got the toy or ball so high in his hand that the puppy couldn't even see it. In the end, surprisingly, those games always worked out somehow.

Murasakibara liked the puppy, though that required actions that were contradicting with his lazy demeanour. But he still didn't mind looking after the small creature, even if that included chasing after it all day.

And he always got himself and the puppy in the weirdest adventures.

Tetsuya didn't complain about this either.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now