Day 190 - Prolonged timeout

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Senshi was scared. The ball suddenly made very loud noises. He didn't like this. So the pup curled up and laid on the ground. Aomine was worried in an instant but Momoi stopped him from entering the court. This was still an official game after all.

In the end Aomine had to call a time out. Frowning at Momoi, the boy passed her and walked on the court, gently scooping his scared puppy in his arms, beginning to talk softly to it in order to calm it.

Meanwhile Akashi felt a bit guilty. Maybe in the end he and Kotarou should've tried this new move on another puppy. But to the boys it hadn't been that loud. Then again the puppies had better hearing. But his reddish puppy didn't complain. Akashi didn't know what to think. So he just looked after his pup too, giving him water and petting him on the head.

The time out was prolonged more than the allowed time. But the circumstances were unusual even for this not so usual tournament. So everyone agreed it was alright, Senshi needed his time.

The way the pup was curled up and trembling reminded Aomine of the way he got his puppy and why it was named Senshi. Fighter. And he was, he had grown up so much after that day. Anyone could see Senshi let a happy life.

So why was he scared now?

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