Day 57 - A Challenge

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"Yoshi is on my team, Senshi on yours." Tetsuya barked.

"And did you ask them what they want or did you just give orders?" Hissori asked.

"I don't mind..." Senshi said quietly.

"Tetsuya is my best friend, of course I'll be on his team." Yoshi barked happily, tail flying behind him.

Hissori rolled his eyes. "No, I want Yoshi on my team."

"Look who's giving orders now." Tetsuya furrowed his brows.

"No, I just said what I wanted, I didn't tell him what to do." Hissori smirked.

"Guys, don't fight!" Senshi barked louder, stepping forward.

"Yeah, let's just play the game." Yoshi agreed, looking to the light blue-eyed puppy which just nodded, turning around and walking away. Yoshi quickly followed him, hoping no fight would start.

And then, Hissori decided to speak again.

"How about we play on the same team, Tetsuya?" He proposed, a challenging note in his voice. The other two pups immediately looked to Tetsuya who had frozen in place, midstep.

"We can't, we're better than them in this game, it won't be fair." The little creature basically repeated what Kagami had said a bit earlier.

"My human has been teaching me a few moves." Yoshi said, tail happily dancing again.

"So has mine..." Senshi added a bit more quietly and not so excitedly. He still wasn't so sure in his powers.

"Then it's decided, it's going to be me and Tetsuya versus you two, Yoshi and Senshi." Hissori said, running in front of Tetsuya and blocking his path to walking away, looking him in the eye, still challenging him.

The pup sighed, rolling his eyes. "Alright, if that's what you want. Although you're giving orders for real now." Before Hissori could protest, Tetsuya continued. "But we'll still compete. Whoever scores more points wins."

So Tetsuya finally answered his challenge. Hissori was happy. This was really going to be an interesting game.

Tetsuya Nigō Drabbles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now