Day 148 - Direct Drive Zone

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Kuroko was confused. Was Akashi only just marking him? Nothing else? It sure looked like he was.

If Chihiro was really managing Kagami on his own it was only logical for Akashi to mark Kuroko. He was the best at noticing him and following his movements. He created Kuroko after all.

And so the blue-haired couldn't do anything, couldn't make a move without his ex captain following him like a shadow. While he was wondering what to do, he noticed a sudden movement from Kagami.

And his eyes were changed.

It was his last resort. The Zone.

But not just the normal Zone, no. It was the same Zone as their previous match against Rakuzan. Direct Drive Zone.

Hyuga somehow reacted in time to catch Kagami's fast pass but couldn't time precisely his own pass back to Kagami. Still, the boy somehow managed to get the ball in the basket.

Rakuzan was surprised, Chihiro especially, looking a bit fearfully to Akashi. But the latter boy only nodded, not really surprised. It was time for the second change in his plan.

Rakuzan was too going to enter the Zone. Thanks to their captain, of course.

Kuroko noticed the change in Akashi, too. But it was too late.

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